The use of the cell phone camera also requires certain precautions – 04/25/2020


Since reality imposes an increasing number of respondents at home, using their own computer or cell phones, it is also necessary to orient themselves on their best use.

A job that must come from the broadcasting organizations themselves.

Just a simple tip to put the camera in a more suitable position.

What we see today are many faces taken from the bottom up, resulting in a very ugly picture. Rare

If it was just one case or the other, it would even happen, but since there are many guests, in many occasions of journalism, it ends up being too bad.

It’s just a little extra care, which won’t cost a thing. The correct camera position is always at eye level.

Or, even for a greater aesthetic, like Marília Gabriela, she always preferred and taught me in the days of “SBT Repórter”, a little higher. It gets even better.

Without fear

The news of the audience was one of the most covered in these times of coronavirus. In addition to children, the results of journalism channels also grew.

However, Viva continues to occupy the leadership of pay television, seeing even higher numbers during the closure.

Karyn Bravo presents

Karyn Bravo presents “Best of Life” on Cultura FM

Image: Disclosure

Serious business

This Saturday, at 1 pm, on Cultura FM, the program “Melhor da Vida” will receive the psychologist Cristiano Nabuco to speak about technological dependency. What changed the lives of many people after the cell phone will be one of the topics covered.

Presentation by Karyn Bravo.

Nothing yet

Like Globo, Record also has nothing resolved about the return of his dramaturgy.

Nothing has been decided so far. There is a desire to resume the recordings of “Genesis” and “Amor sem Igual” even in May. But I only wish, for now.


Bandeirantes radio broadcasts on Sunday, starting at 3 p.m., the 1970 World Cup final, in which Brazil became champion over Italy 4-1.

The game will be narrated by Ulisses Costa and will feature testimonials from players, family of athletes and songs from the time.


On the issue of coronaviruses, the press has been concerned with providing services, warning of all precautions to be taken regarding cleaning and avoiding contamination.

It is worth noting that this is also true for everyone, including journalists themselves.

For example

Record, in addition to all the recommendations, was careful to suspend the journalists’ hairstyle and makeup services.

Only a large group always decides to use the same space, every day, to dress, do their hair or paint. One side of the other and even using the same products. It’s no use.


“BBB20” preferred to go ahead, even with the coronavirus problem. And, at least so far, thankfully, there has been no record of the disease on his team, due to the care given to him.

At first, Globo adopted a series of measures, including the regulatory distance, the necessary clarifications and a wide distribution of masks and gel alcohol.

Pirlo also participates in the program with Alexandre Pato - Pierre Albouy / Reuters

Pirlo also participates in the program with Alexandre Pato

Image: Pierre Albouy / Reuters

Digital review

As there is no other way, “Aqui com Benja”, on Fox Sports, presentation by Benjamin Back, will have Alexandre Pato as an interviewee. Each one in your house.

And a program with several surprises for the guest, including the participation of Rebeca Abravanel, André Sanchez, president of Corinthians and Andrea Pirlo, Pato’s partner in Italian football.


“Isolated on the street” is the “Recording Camera” for this Sunday, which begins at 11:15 pm. The program will show stories of homeless people, a population that has become even more vulnerable with the new coronavirus.

Narration by Rafael Sardão, protagonist of the soap opera “Amor Sem Igual”. “It becomes more urgent that we look at these lives,” declares the actor.


The total number of connected televisions in the national market remained at 51%, between 13 and 19, even in the last three weeks.

In Greater São Paulo, the average was 52%, following the trend of 1 point.


It is understood that this decrease in São Paulo, observed in recent weeks, may be related to the fall in social isolation.

Something that can be followed better in the next surveys.

Juliana Paes, when will you come back? - Fábio Rocha

Juliana Paes, when will you come back?

Image: Fábio Rocha

Vacation time

Juliana Paes won a long balloon vacation after “A Dona do Pedaço”. Officially, you don’t have a new project in Globo yet.

But, with Glória Pérez already involved in an upcoming soap opera for the station, who knows …


Good examples and solidarity actions during the coronavirus pandemic inspired the new season of the series “Gratidão”, which Thiago Lacerda presents in “Fantástico” starting this Sunday.

It begins with the story of Joseildo, a Paraíba nursing technician, who slept outside the house to avoid contact with his mother, a member of the risk group.

Ivete’s Live

The difference this Saturday on television will undoubtedly be live from Ivete Sangalo, directly from her home, with broadcasts from TV Globo, Globoplay and Multishow.

Globo only the first songs, after “Fina Estampa”. And a whole production above.

Hit – Rebate

* In the best moments of the “Programa da Maisa”, this Saturday, 2:15 pm, on SBT, Patrícia and Rebeca Abravanel.

* With churches closed, mass TV broadcasts continue to achieve good results …

* … TV Aparecida, for example, has already been in fourth place among open televisions, in the broadcast of one of its celebrations, between 8 am and 9 am.

* Globo’s “Zorra” will air on May 2, but only with the “best moments” …

* … And this may be the problem: “best times”.

* Tafarel will be one of Globo’s special guests, this Sunday, in the broadcast of Brazil and Italy, the final of the United States Cup, in 1994.

* Changes are already being studied in all Grupo Bandeirantes radios …

* … Some of them will have their schedules modified.

* The hammer has not been hit yet, but the initially planned durations for “Salve se Puder” and “Amor de Mãe” can be changed …

* … Both with the possibility of winning a few more chapters.

** José Carlos Nery collaborated
