Unemployed and living in a simple house in Jabaeté, on the outskirts of Vila Velha, in Espírito Santo, student Adeyula Barbosa, 31, was denied her request for emergency assistance after the Digital Job Card stated that You have two open jobs. . As if the surprise was not enough, in one of the contracts, the capixaba discovered that he holds the position of “President of the Republic” of the State Education Secretariat (Sedu). Although she has already sought answers from the responsible agencies, the student still does not know what caused the error.
Adeyula’s last formal job was as a caregiver at a state school in Espírito Santo. The contract was terminated in August last year.
With two children, ages 11 and 7, she resorted to assistance to pay for household expenses and monthly fees for the Human Resources Management course.
Her husband is employed, but her salary has been reduced and benefits have been reduced due to the coronavirus crisis.
“I consulted the emergency aid, I registered on April 7th. About 20 days later, the negative came. There was something like “a citizen with a formal job,” as if he were working, “he explained.
Adyula did not receive emergency help because, due to an error, she has two open jobs – Photo: Playback / TV Gazeta
Without understanding what had happened, the student searched the Internet for answers and ended up discovering the confusion with the positions.
“I began to investigate what those acronyms meant. I managed to consult Rais (Annual Social Information List), then decided to download the Digital Job Card, to find out if I had the same problem. There, there was the occupation of the “President of the Republic”. I was amazed. How? A school caregiver who has nothing to do with the President of the Republic. It was not logical. I did not imagine such an error, ”he said.
Capixaba is registered as ‘President of the Republic’ – Photo: Playback / TV Gazeta
The feeling of amazement spread to Adeyula’s family. “My daughter goes to sleep, it’s that simple, and out of nowhere, the president of Brazil wakes up. It’s kind of funny,” said the mother, retired from Roseni Dias.
In addition to the record for the highest position in the country, the second open job is an assistant secretary for the municipality of Vila Velha, where Adeyula worked before 2019.
Misunderstandings end up generating an error for the database used by the Federal Government to assess who can receive the benefit or not.
“Comical but sad situation”
Although the situation is viewed with humor by some people, Adeyula regrets having been the victim of this type of error, which cost the withdrawal of the benefit.
“It is a funny situation, but if you look at it, it is sad. I need emergency assistance and due to an error, lack of attention when starting the registration, generated this whole problem for my life. We laugh, but our reality is different, it makes us cry about it, “he said.
When asked, the superintendent of Labor and Employment in Espírito Santo, Alcimar Candeias, said that the error is with the contractor, in this case, the State Department of Education (Sedu).
There was an error when the Secretariat did not report the dismissal of the employee and another when mistakenly inserting the code for the position of President of the Republic in the occupation of the worker.
The guide is for Adeyula to look at the Human Resources sector in Sedu to solve. Candeias said the Labor Superintendency is available to help fix the error.
The Ministry of Education, in turn, reported that the servers are registered in a specific system of the Ministry and that, in this system, their position is as caregiver.
Sedu also said it will still help the former employee correct the error with the Ministry of Labor.
As for the open position in Vila Velha, the city explained that the server closings in 2020 will still be reported to the Ministry of Economy.
Regarding disconnected workers in 2019, the city said the movements were dispatched on April 14, 2020.