
Or average number of via dar coronavrus infected in Belo Horizonte reached its highest rate since July this Friday (13). According to the city’s epidemiological and welfare bulletin, the index is 1.08 and remains in the alert zone, in addition to 1.
The so-called RT factor measures the speed of transmission of the virus in the city. The parameter, compared to the previous balance, published on Thursday (12), increased from 1.06 to 1.08. This was the fourth consecutive increase in the parameter.
Therefore, the fator RT it remained for the fourth consecutive day in the intermediate zone of the risk scale. If the statistic crosses the 1.2 barrier, the scenario becomes high risk.
The balance also brought an increase of seven deceased by COVID-19 in the city. It is worth mentioning, however, that the deaths did not necessarily occur within 24 hours.
That is, they became part of the balance as of this Friday. In total, BH adds 1,558 deaths from coronavirus.
The number of cases has also increased: from 50,403 to 50,587, a difference of 184 diagnoses. In addition to the 1,558 deaths, the city has 2,122 cases monitored and 46,907 recovered.
PBH also updated the status of Beds COVID-19 in the city. Both the wards and the ICUs remain in the controlled area, below 50% occupancy.
In intensive care, the indicator measures 30.4% of the units in use. The rate of 29.9% in the rooms.
It is worth mentioning that the city council takes into account both public and private networks to measure the statistics.
However, occupancy is much higher in the SUS network: 50.5% in the wards and 51.6% in the ICUs.
Victims profile
In the survey by regions, the Northwest has the highest number of deaths: 202, 12 more than the West and Northwest. This is followed by Venda Nova (183), Leste (173), Barreiro (168), Norte (156), Centro-Sur (148) and Pampulha (148).
Among the people who died COVID-19 in Belo Horizonte, 873 are men and 685 women.
Most of the deaths, 82.4% (1,284), corresponded to the elderly. Another 15.3% (239) were between 40 and 59 years old; and 2.2% (34) between 20 and 39 years old. There is also the death of a patient between 10 and 14 years old.
Regarding race / color, 50.4% of the people diagnosed with severe cases were brown, 28.3% white, 9.5% black and 0.8% yellow. According to PBH, 11% have not yet specified race / color.
In addition, 97.4% of deaths are of people with a risk factor, according to the city council. There are 40 deaths without comorbidities: 33 men and seven women.
Age, heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, obesity, nephropathy, and neurological diseases are the most common comorbidities.