The temperature in Cuiabá reaches 44ºC and breaks the record of the last 109 years – 10/01/2020


Cuiabá yesterday registered the highest temperature in the last 109 years. According to Inmet (National Institute of Meteorology), the temperature reached 44ºC at 5pm. This was the highest temperature recorded since December 1909, when the institute began measuring,

Three hours earlier, at 2pm, the record had already been broken, with 43.7ºC. The measurement, according to the institute, is carried out in the shade.

In the next few days, the maximum temperatures should not be lower than 40ºC. Next Sunday (4) the maximum forecast is 47ºC.
Today, the maximum estimated by Inmet in the capital is 42ºC

Brazil should have a heat wave never recorded during the next few days, according to the MetSul Meteorologia forecast. This week, the temperature should be above 40ºC in the south, midwest and southeast of the country. In the interior of São Paulo, the maximum can reach 44ºC, especially in the West and Northwest regions.

The phenomenon is a consequence of the mass of hot, dry air that covers central Brazil and generates a giant bubble of hot air, the so-called heat domes (or “heat dome”). The high-pressure zone at altitude generates downward movements in the atmosphere with extreme heat and very dry weather.

The severe drought with low availability of moisture in the soil ends up aggravating the situation and creating a mechanism in which dry weather aggravates heat and heat aggravates dry weather generating even greater evapotranspiration.

Heat also in São Paulo

São Paulo equaled yesterday’s mark and today registered a temperature of 37.1ºC, the highest in 2020 and the second highest in the history of the city. The information was confirmed by Climatempo in contact with Twitter, by phone.

The temperature was recorded at the Mirante de Santana automatic station, in the north of the city of São Paulo. The previous record, 34.9ºC, had been recorded on September 27.

Also according to Climatempo, the forecast is for more heat tomorrow, with a maximum of 38ºC. If this is confirmed, it will be the highest temperature ever recorded since 1943, when official Inmet measurements began.

The historical record occurred on October 17, 2014, when the maximum reached 37.8ºC.

The four highest temperatures ever recorded by Inmet in São Paulo were:

  • 37.8ºC – October 17, 2014
  • 37.1ºC – September 30, 2020 and October 1, 2020
  • 37ºC – January 20, 1999
  • 36.7ºC – January 19, 1999
