If you draw, it is no longer clear. This Saturday, November 21, 2020, a broad progressive front was announced around the candidacy of Guilherme Boulos (PSOL) for the city of São Paulo. The announcement was immediately followed by a series of supports and commitments to the Bruno Covas (PSDB) campaign, which were carried out by prominent Bolsonarian figures.
Boulos’s campaign published a video on their networks (see below) with statements of support from four leaders of the progressive camp, each representing a political party: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), Flávio Dino (PCdoB), Marina Silva (Rede) and Ciro Gomes (PDT).
In historical video, @cirogomes, @FlavioDino, @LulaOficial me @MarinaSilva join together to support @GuilhermeBoulos me @luizaerundina. # ViraSP50 pic.twitter.com/p0cDYBuhHG
– Boulos 50 (@_yuriesteves) November 22, 2020
The meeting of these leaders is quite an achievement for Guilherme Boulos, and perhaps it was even sewn into the conversations recently discussed between Lula and Ciro.
Also this Saturday, federal deputy Tabata Amaral (PDT-SP), together with Ciro showing the breadth of the front that is being formed, reaching downtown sectors, announced her support for the PSOL candidate, who thanked her on the networks.
On the other hand, there was the PSDB of Bruno Covas, the Centrão, who invariably accompanies the Tucan candidacies in São Paulo and, now, embarking, the Bolsonarismo and the repentant Bolsonarismo, this represented by the defeated candidate and federal deputy Joice Hasselmann (PSL- SP).
The politicians and agitators of the Bolsonarista networks had not yet expressed their support for any of the candidates for the second round, having so far limited themselves to lamenting the defeat of the “conservative camp” and Celso Russomanno and raising suspicions of fraud. electronic surveys.
It’s not like that. Now, everyone has a side and everyone knows which side they are all on and accompanied by whom.
In 2014 I had to vote for Aecio not to vote for Dilma. In 2017, Aécio fell on the hook asking for 2 million for JBS. Next Sunday I am forced to vote for Bruno Covas not to vote for Boulos and I will have to wait until 2024. Democracy is like that.
– Colonel Tadeu (@CoronelTadeu) November 22, 2020
Joice declares her support for Covas in São Paulo https://t.co/BbKdSlxPgG
– Political connection (@conexaopolitica) November 19, 2020
Joice declares her support for Covas in São Paulo https://t.co/BbKdSlxPgG
– Political connection (@conexaopolitica) November 19, 2020