The shelves with products collapse and reach customers in a supermarket in São Luís; VIDEO | Maranhao


Shelves with products collapsed and hit customers in the Mix Mateus Atacarejo supermarket (Wholesale and Retail), on Friday night (2), in the 90’s shift, in the Vinhais neighborhood of São Luís. There is still no official information on the number of injured.

Videos posted on social media show the innumerable metal structures that have fallen in a kind of domino effect. At the time of the accident, there was an intense movement of customers.

Collapse of shelves in a supermarket in São Luís (MA) – Photo: Social networks

Teams from the Fire Department and the Mobile Emergency Service (SAMU) were dispatched to the scene. There is no information yet on the cause of the accident.

Through a social network, the governor of Maranhão, Flávio Dino (PCdoB), reported that he determined that the commander of the Fire Department fully dedicate himself to the accident, to provide relief and assistance to the victims.

The mayor of São Luís, Edivaldo Holanda Júnior (PDT), reported through a social network that he sent ambulances from Samu and sent medical teams to the Socorrão I and II hospitals, the Children’s Hospital and the 24-hour Unit of the Rural Zone to receive the wounded. .

Collapse of metal structures in a supermarket in São Luís (MA)

Collapse of metal structures in a supermarket in São Luís (MA)

* The report is being updated.
