The Secretary of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education (MEC), Izabel Lima Pessoa, resigned from the position, considered one of the most important in the portfolio. He was one of the few names in the current MEC that had good relations with experts in the field and had no connection with the ideological wing of the government, like its predecessor. Ilona Becskehazy.
The dismissal has not yet been officially confirmed by the MEC, but sources assured the State that she will leave the government. Izabel recently lost her husband, a victim of covid-19, and told her friends that he was very fragile and unable to run an essential secretariat.
He leaves the government at a time when the ministry is trying to implement controversial measures, linked precisely to basic education. As Estadão revealed, in the midst of a pandemic and with schools closed, the government’s goal is to approve homeschooling in the country. According to sources, Izabel did not agree with many of the changes and was in conflict with the ideological wing, led by Carlos Nadalin, secretary of literacy. And that, almost always, lost the confrontations.
She has been a career employee of the MEC since 1990 and a specialist in teacher training. He had held the post of secretary since August. There is still no indication of who should replace Izabel in the position. Members of the more technical wing of the MEC fear that Nadalin will take over. Recently, as Estadão demonstrated, it also began hiring consultants from outside the ministry to prepare a new literacy test without the participation of National Institute for Educational Research and Studies (Inep).
There is still a blur on whether the National Basic Assessment System (Saeb) this year. The president of the Inep had requested that the test be carried out only in 2022 because of the pandemic.
This Monday 29, however, experts linked to the evaluation association (Abave) sent a letter to the government asking that the examination be carried out on a sampling basis so that it can provide “relevant information on the effects of the current crisis on student achievement.” Until then, the Saeb would be done in the form of a census with students in 2nd, 5th, 9th year of primary school and 3rd year of high school. Maria Helena Guimarães, current president of the National Council of Education (CNE), signs the note and says that it is essential that the country have information about what is happening to students in these months of pandemic to better guide education systems.
According to sources, the MEC must agree to do a sample-only Saeb, but is also thinking of carrying out a test that would be applied by the teachers themselves to their students throughout Brazil. Secretaries of education are against the idea because there would be no fraud security or metrics for these exams to be compared. Saeb, meanwhile, has a historical series and it is possible to make comparisons on how much students have learned in the last year in relation to the previous ones.
In addition, a technical study on the new model of Basic education development index (Ideb) -which is calculated from Saeb- had been removed from the Inep and transferred to the executive secretariat of the MEC. There is also a new public notice for the purchase of books to be used for elementary students in public schools starting in 2023 that excluded articles that demanded respect for diversity. The works could have stereotypes and prejudices of race, gender or socioeconomic level and be approved. The change in the edict is being challenged in the Federal Supreme Court for violating the Constitution.
Minister Milton Ribeiro also appointed a teacher linked to the Escola Sem Partido movement to coordinate the teaching materials. Sandra Ramos has already said that she wanted to give a “conservative Christian perspective” and make references to the African culture of the BNCC, the most important document published in recent years to guide what should be taught in schools and what publishers are based on. from books. .