The search for a technician is discussed in two meetings in CT


Two meetings in Palmeiras on Thursday (15) focused on the search for the new team coach. Yesterday, after the 3-1 loss to Coritiba, in the center of Allianz Parque, Vanderlei Luxembourg was fired by the board.

Hours later, President Maurício Galiotte and director Alexandre Barros met at the Soccer Academy, as they usually do. In the meeting held late in the morning, they discussed the profile of the professional that the club wants.

“We are already working hard today to understand which professional will continue all the changes that began this season,” Anderson Barros said at a news conference this afternoon.

After answering questions from journalists, Galiotte and Barros met again to address the issue. As columnist Danilo Lavieri, from sports, the club re-analyzed the name of Miguel Ángel Ramírez.

The coach of Independiente del Valle, from Ecuador, has the game model that the club likes and has had his profile since December 2019, when Mano Menezes was dismissed.
