The revolt of vice – Jornal CORREIO


Those who work in politics know that the moment must be perfect. Many potentially successful apps died on the beach because they were released too early or too late. What many people forget is that dismissing a potential running mate early can also be difficult. The news that President Jair Bolsonaro would intend to run for reelection in 2022 without General Hamilton Mourão at his side was enough that the vice president again gave those more critical statements to the federal administration that marked much of 2019.

Mourão said in an interview published on Friday that the federal government will purchase the Covid-19 vaccine developed by the Chinese company Sinovac in partnership with the Butantan Institute, if its effectiveness is proven. According to the vice president, Bolsonaro’s statements, which said that he would not buy the immunizer, would be just a “political fight” with the governor of São Paulo, João Doria. True to form, the president replied a few hours after the publication: “The Bic pen is mine.” He did not name his vice president by name, but it was not even necessary.

“This vaccine issue is a political fight with Doria. The government will buy the vaccine, of course it will. We have already invested resources in Butantan to produce this vaccine. The government will not escape from that, ”Vice President Hamilton Mourão told Veja magazine.

Last week, less than 24 hours after the Health Ministry announced its intention to buy 46 million doses of Coronavac, President Jair Bolsonaro disavowed Minister Eduardo Pazuello and stated that the immunizer against the new coronavirus “will not be bought” . by the Brazilian government. Bolsonaro went on to say that there is a “great discredit” in relation to the Chinese immunizer.

The president, who was very upset last week to see an apparent rapprochement between his health minister and the governor of São Paulo, now had to read the news that the deputy considers the Chinese vaccine a plausible path.

Coronavac has been the subject of debate between Bolsonaro and his political opponent, São Paulo Governor João Doria (PSDB). In a meeting with governors, Pazuello had said that the Brazilian government would use the vaccine in the SUS (Unified Health System).

The director of the Butantan Institute, Dimas Covas, said that the vice president’s statement is “excellent” and that it “shows that he understands the importance of the vaccine at this critical moment in national life.

Furthermore, Mourão also stated in the interview that he is not afraid to take CoronaVac, if it is certified by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa). He also said that China is a “global power, practicing state capitalism.” And that Chinese companies that demonstrate a commitment to “sovereignty, privacy and economy” can participate in the 5G auction in Brazil, again against his running mate in 2018. Bolsonaro has shown signs that he is leaning towards US technology.

The vice president scored eight for Brazil in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. In his justification he said that the country was uneven, that there was no second wave and that the health system withstood the crisis.

The future
The vice president also said he believes he is the target of conspiracy by people the president trusts, despite not knowing who they are. And that does not concern you.

Asked about the possibility of the president seeking reelection with another vice president on his plate, he replied that he currently has no intention of running for another public office, but that perhaps he could run for the Senate.

“Will I run for governor? Complicated, I will be almost 70 years old. I think that to govern certain states here in Brazil, the guy has to be about 15 years younger. Nor do I see myself as a deputy. Senate, maybe, then yes. The Senate has another pitch, another way of acting, of acting. It may be a possibility, “he said.

A week ago, reports from Folha and Estadão said that the president told at least three parliamentarians that he would change vice president in the next elections. “It doesn’t,” he would have said. Diplomat, Mourão said in an interview with Bandnews FM that there was still a long way to go until 2022, but that he was ready to serve the country.

The vice president maintains the routine of meetings with business groups unchanged, where he parades with a much more moderate speech than the number one of the Planalto. His visit to Bahia followed this script. This Friday he participated in the inauguration ceremony of the Senai Institute for Advanced Health Systems, at the Senai Integrated Manufacturing and Technology Campus (Senai Cimatec), in Salvador.

Mourão praised Sistema S, highlighting its role in preparing workers.

During a meeting with businessmen from the infrastructure sector, the vice president’s words were very well received.

Just another sign that Mourão may not even be on Bolsonaro’s ticket in 2022, but it is far from being a card out of the deck.
