The first installment of emergency help For the amount of R $ 300 or R $ 600 (in the case of mothers who are heads of household), the deposit will begin on September 17 for those who are beneficiaries of the Family scholarship. The group is part of a specific government calendar released earlier this year.
As in the previous installments, the order of payments will follow the last digit of the Social Registration Number (NIS). It is important to note that it is not possible to accumulate both benefits (Family Bag and assistance). Those assisted by the program will receive only the highest value.
Emergency aid payment schedule
Below is the payment schedule for the sixth installment of the emergency aid, now for the amount of R $ 300, for the beneficiaries of Bolsa Família:
- September 17: Final NIS 1;
- September 18: Final 2 NIS;
- September 21: Final 3 NIS;
- September 22: Final 4 NIS;
- September 23: Final 5 NIS;
- September 24: Final 6 NIS;
- September 25: Final 7 NIS;
- September 28: Final 8 NIS;
- September 29: Final 9 NIS;
- September 30: Final 0 NIS.
Withdrawals of the benefit are made through the program card, Tarjeta Ciudadana or by credit in a Caixa account. The payment dates for those who registered through the website, application or are registered in the Unique Registry (CadÚnico) have not yet been released.
Extension of emergency assistance
Through a Provisional Measure (MP), the government extended until December the payment of emergency aid for low-income and unemployed informal workers during the pandemic. However, the amount of the loans was reduced by half, from R $ 600 to R $ 300.
Not all recipients approved for assistance will be entitled to all fees. This is because whoever started receiving aid in July, for example, will be entitled to just one more installment. Citizens approved in April must receive four
Also, whoever got a formal (formal) job will not receive the following. The same applies to citizens who have been included in some security or social assistance benefit, such as retirement, death pension or Continuous Provision Benefit (BPC).
Also read: Government informs tool used to restrict the payment of aid of R $ 300