HE This Thursday, the Special Body of the Federal Regional Court of the Second Region scored an important goal in favor of democracy, the rule of law, due process and decorum. He tried Marcelo Bretas, head of the Seventh Federal Court of Rio, by 12 votes to 1, with the penalty of censorship. André Fontes was a suspect. Thus, of the 14 possible votes, only one, Alcides Martins, did not see anything wrong with the judge’s performance.
But what did Bretas really do? On February 15, Bolsonaro visited Rio for a day of activities. The noisy judge went to see him at the Santos Dumont airport air base and joined the presidential party. He participated in an evangelical cult of mud by Bolsonaro and other politicians -among them Mayor Marcelo Crivella- and the inauguration of a work. In the sequence, he carried out extensive proselytizing on social networks, extolling the events and highlighting the politicians present, among them, it must be said, was Mrs. Flordelis …
The OAB filed a complaint with the National Council of Justice requesting that the judge be investigated for suspicion of political activity and for “self-promotion and overexposure.”
Before going any further, it is necessary to undo a lesson in lying that is spreading. It was Minister Humberto Martins who determined the investigation, then a corrector of the CNJ and who now presides over the Superior Court of Justice. Eduardo Martins, the minister’s son, is one of those investigated for the spectacular operation “E $ burns S”, of which Bretas is a judge.
A scoundrel accuses the minister of taking revenge on Bretas. It’s malicious stupidity. Martins ordered in May that TRF-2 investigate the conduct of a judge. This operation was only launched on the 9th of this month. Unless he was a fortune teller, the minister had no way of knowing what would happen four months later.
There is another lie in the Lavajat militias. The TRF-2 would be punishing Bretas because the lawyer Ana Basílio, wife of Judge André Fontes, is also the target of this operation. Another scam! The rapporteur on the matter, Ivan Athiê, announced that his vote was ready on the 2nd. The issue was on the agenda on the 4th, with the definition of the trial date; this Thursday. And the operation was only performed, they insist, on the 9th. So, obviously, what came after cannot be the cause of what came before. Fontes was also a suspect and did not vote.
Athiê rejected the accusation of partisan political action, but made it clear that there was no doubt that Bretas was involved in “self-promotion and overexposure” to the detriment of the judiciary.
Athiê said:
“An experienced and well-prepared judge, it is not possible that he would not have imagined the repercussion that would be given to him. There is nothing that justifies, if not the intention of overexposure and self-promotion, to go up to a public works platform with the President of the Republic in a situation that nothing “. it has to do with the judiciary. “
In this post I publish the video of the trial, made in a remote session. Based on your vote, after 24min25s, the speaker read a large part of an article that I published on this page on February 17th. So I wrote:
“Here he is, now without masks, what has he become, how is he?, The largest anti-corruption operation in the world. A former judge – Sergio Moro – still outraged by the moralism of the Chinese press, is today a centerpiece in the articulation of the most gruesome far-right.
A judge continues to defy the rules of the National Council of Justice and, with his sights set on an indication to the STF or a future political career – to be seen -, he dedicates himself to all the variants of rapapés, salamaleques and tug of war.
Of course, Bretas is sending the CNJ to plant potatoes, with the certainty that nothing will happen to him. Another consequence of the “new legality” that Lava Jato implemented in Brazil is to elevate some brave people to the condition of people unattainable by the rules, codes, laws and by the Constitution itself. “
The punishment for censorship is the second lightest that can be applied to a judge. The only harm to him is that he cannot be promoted in one year. But it remains on your service record and is considered a possible other violation. The signal is given. And for a very eloquent score.
“Ah, Lava Jato lost …” If that is meant by “Lava Jato’s vices”, then it is really true. I see it differently: the Organic Law of the Judiciary and the rules of the democratic game won by 12 to 1. And I am glad to have participated in the result. My collaboration was limited to writing a text, still in February, read by the speaker this Thursday, pointing out the ethical nudity of the judge,
Not! I am not happy with the punishment of Bretas. It is irrelevant to me. I applaud the respect for the rules of the game. The day the judge can behave like a pop star, it will be the case to ask when Anitta will start wearing the toga. And I don’t write this as a demerit to the artist. You could judge much more properly than some sample judges walking around, unable to name at least 10 articles of the Constitution from memory. Ten? Overkill! Five that were … It’s just that they’re too busy painting on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or exposing their muscles. Books wouldn’t be …