The police find a house used by bandits.


Agents During the night, the BOPE (Special Operations Battalion) found a place that they believe was used by criminals who attacked two bank branches in Criciúma (SC), last Tuesday (1). The house is in the city of Três Cachoeiras (RS), 100 kilometers from where the crimes occurred.

A man was arrested and a truck seized. For the police, the property would have been used as a transition to escape.

Traces were found on the site that indicate participation in the robbery at Banco do Brasil. In addition, there were bloody clothing and a trigger for explosives.

In the early hours of yesterday night, the PRF (Federal Highway Police) arrested five suspects for being involved in the assault. The arrests occurred on the BR-101, in the city of Passo de Torres (SC), close to the border with Rio Grande do Sul, and also in Porto Alegre.

bandit clothing - Press release - Press release

December 3, 2020 – Police found clothing and a trigger for explosives in a house in Três Cachoeiras (RS)

Image: Disclosure

Just yesterday, a woman was also arrested in São Paulo, suspected of supporting the action. According to the Civil Police, Vanessa de Faria Santos, 31, is the partner of a suspect in the robbery in Santa Catarina. Ammunition for rifles, pistol magazines and explosive devices, as well as drugs, were found in his house and car. She was detained at the 25th DP (Police District), in Parelheiros, and sent to the 89th DP, in Morumbi.

