BRASÍLIA – Federal Police report shows images of money seized from Senator Chico Rodrigues (DEM-RR) underwear during the raids on his home on Wednesday. Among the securities seized at his residence, there were 200-real bills recently released by the government of President Jair Bolsonaro despite criticism from various entities, which pointed to the possibility of favoring money laundering acts.
Analytical: Money in underwear: Can the Senate preserve Chico Rodrigues?
The PF attached to a report, sent to the Federal Supreme Court, four photos showing the step-by-step inspection of the senator’s underpants. In this inspection, the PF took R $ 15 thousand from her buttocks. Later, the senator himself took another wad of money from his underwear and handed over R $ 17,900 to the Federal Police, at the end of the search and seizure. The images are in black and white because it is the format of the document sent to the STF.
In addition to the image of the banknotes, there are also images that show an atypical volume inside his shorts and a federal policeman putting his hand in place to withdraw the money.
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The inspection was also recorded on video, but was not released.
On Thursday, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso ordered the senator to leave for 90 days, at the request of the PF. The Federal Police had also requested his preventive detention, but the minister did not accept the arrest.
remember: Government keeps leaders under investigation in Congress
In the report, the delegate Luciana Matutino Caires, responsible for the case, says that the senator did not prove the origin of the money hidden in his underwear. “The money bills found in the body of the senator have not proven their legal origin and it is very likely that they come from profits from the crime of embezzlement for the surcharges of the investigated contracts. hidden, to materialize the crime of money laundering, “he wrote.