The OAS calls for the recount of all valid votes in the US elections and criticizes the “attacks on the electoral system” | 2020 U.S. elections


The Organization of American States (OAS) requested in a preliminary report this Friday (6) that all votes considered valid of the United States presidential elections be counted “When it is received within the parameters of the rules and regulations existing in the respective states.”

In addition, the OAS said the campaign was “competitive and aggressive” and said that “One campaign in particular launched repeated attacks on its main rival, as well as the integrity of the country’s electoral system ”. The organization does not say from which candidates these attacks came.

“These attacks served to further divide the electoral process and an already highly polarized electorate,” the report says.

  • REAL TIME: Counting the American elections
  • ELECTORAL MAP: See live the situation in each state

No document, the OAS praised the “extraordinary efforts” of the US authorities in “expanding voting options”. Millions of voters voted by mail, some of them to avoid crowds in this pandemic (read more what the OAS says on the subject).

President Donald Trump, who is seeking re-election, has been attacking the US electoral system and accusing, without providing evidence, of fraud. On the other hand, Democratic candidate Joe Biden calls for calm and says that all votes must be counted.

The organization also said that “all candidates must be guaranteed the right to claim and have a legal recourse, when done within legal parameters.”

The OAS mission accompanying the US elections arrived in the United States on January 3 and will remain in the country until January 2021, when the votes of the Electoral College will be read in Congress. There are 28 experts and observers from 13 countries that are part of the organization.

One of the observers is the president of the Superior Electoral Court of Brazil, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso. He traveled to the United States at the invitation of the Maryland and Washington DC state boards, the TSE adviser said.

United States – Counting votes in Georgia – Photo: Tami Chappell / AFP

In the report, OAS observers noted that a non-partisan commission concluded that the integrity of the postal ballots was observed and that the vote “conforms to democratic standards”.

“There are verification mechanisms to confirm or eliminate doubts about the vote by mail,” says the note.

For the organization, however, there is concern about the deadlines given for voter registration and the ballots that arrive in the last days of voting. So, the OAS mission suggests a clear establishment of deadlines for voters who want to vote by mail to register.

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