the new schedule for the next four installments


It took, but it came! The calendar for the new installments of R $ 300 Emergency Aid was announced through an additional edition of the Federal Official Gazette, on the night of the last day 9/28.

Before, only Bolsa Família beneficiaries knew exactly the dates on which they would receive the benefit. Now, the publication has defined what dates the NOT recipients of the scholarship will receive.

Review the FULL CALENDAR at the end of this article. Before, save a very important message from the professor of the Direcção Concursos, Arthur Lima:

Emergency help: general information

It should be remembered that the Emergency Aid was initially created with fees of R $ 600 and its extension was announced (by means of a provisional measure) in early September, with reduced amounts.

Now, there will be four (4) more installments in the amount of R $ 300, but with fewer beneficiaries than initially. Only those citizens who received the original benefit in April will be eligible.

  • “Those who started receiving in July, for example, will be entitled to five installments of R $ 600 and another installment of the new benefit, which will be paid in December”, said the Ministry of Citizenship.

Also, the residual benefit, that is, with reduced amounts, will not be paid to all workers, due to some rules defined in the Provisional Measure that announced the extension.

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See who will NOT get:

  1. He has a death certificate in the federal government databases.
  2. Be under 18 years of age, except in the case of teenage mothers.
  3. Being locked in a closed regime
  4. Has been declared dependent on the Income Tax of someone who fits the hypothesis of points 5, 6 or 7 below
  5. In 2019, he received non-taxable or taxable income exclusively at source, the sum of which exceeds R $ 40 thousand
  6. As of December 31, 2019, it had possession or ownership of goods or rights for a total value greater than R $ 300 thousand reais.
  7. In 2019, he received taxable income higher than R $ 28,559.70
  8. Live abroad
  9. Has a monthly income greater than half the minimum wage per person and a total monthly family income greater than three minimum wages
  10. Received social security, unemployment insurance, or federal income transfer benefits after receiving Emergency Assistance (except Bolsa Família)
  11. Got a formal job after receiving emergency help

Emergency help: schedule!

Below are the calendars published by the government. Remember that the definition of reception dates takes into account the date on which the beneficiary RECEIVED THE FIRST ORIGINAL SHARE (R $ 600).

The information collected here is provided in the Official Gazette and was reproduced by Portal G1.

Emergency aid: approved who received the first installment in April
Emergency aid: approved who received the first installment in May
Emergency aid: approved who received the first installment in June
Emergency aid: approved who received the first installment in July
Emergency aid: approved that challenged

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Do you want to start studying for a public exam?

Do you have any questions about how to start your studies for competitions? Professor Ronaldo Fonseca has a quick tip for you:

Public tender: mid-level opportunities

The following are the opportunities for competitions with a medium level in various areas and localities of the country. They are organs that have an ad “on the needle” to be published or with inscriptions scheduled to resume.

MG Firefighters

Published on September 22, 2020, the announcement brings 30 vacancies for intermediate level and pays more than R $ 6 thousand for the approved! Check out!

TCM SP Contest

The Audit Office of the Municipality of São Paulo will resume the registration for the contest that aims to fill 10 vacancies in the position of technical inspection assistant, with a salary of R $ 10,000. Find out more by clicking here!

Competition of the Federal Senate

The next selection for the agency will hire 24 new legislative policemen for the Senate, with an initial salary of R $ 20,000. Find out more by clicking here!

Be part of the study group for the Senate contest on Whatsapp: Click here to join!

TJ RJ Contest

One of the main organs of the Judiciary has already published a notice, but with postponed evidence! The reopening of registrations to the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro is expected, with 85 vacancies and an initial salary of up to R $ 3,800. Find out more by clicking here!

news on emergency aid and public tenders

The main news, event announcements and study tips are on the Direcção Concursos Instagram: click and check!

emergency help emergency payment assistance extended help emergency aid calendar aid calendar emergency aid payment schedule jair bolsonaro
