The murdered Voice Kids singing sister was arrested four years ago – 05/01/2020


Rafaela de Azevedo Brito, 32 years old, sister of the child Artur Azevedo de Almeida, 15, who became known in Brazil when she touched the domestic audience when she participated in “The Voice Kids” in 2018, has been arrested for four years. On the occasion, Rafaela, a former employee of Bank of Brazil, was arrested in Bahia on suspicion of embezzlement of more than R $ 450 thousand from bank account holders during scams practiced together with Antônio Josival Sousa Magalhães, 26, in various states.

According to information from the Bahia Civil Police, the two were part of a gang of swindlers. In 2016, Rafaela Brito was arrested by investigators from the Department of Crimes against Heritage (DCCP) in Salvador.

The family of the singer Tuca Almeida, as the former participant of “The Voice Kids” was known, has not yet decided on the funeral and burial of the boy’s body.

The young man was killed last Thursday (30) after six men broke into a commercial establishment where the teenager was. The group was looking for Luis Carlos, a man convicted of drug trafficking and released from the Covid-19 pandemic. Luis Carlos, seeing the attack of the bandits, jumped over the wall and ran away. The victim’s sister saw everything.

* With the collaboration of Raphael Aciolli.
