The municipal public schools of Fortaleza should not have face-to-face classes this year | Strength


The Marieta Guedes Martins Municipal School prepares for a possible return.  The unit is in the Novo Mondubim neighborhood, Fortaleza.  (Photo: Barbara Moira)

The Marieta Guedes Martins Municipal School prepares for a possible return. The unit is in the Novo Mondubim neighborhood, Fortaleza. (Photo: Barbara Moira)

Mayor Roberto Cláudio (PDT) should back down and give in to pressure from teachers and students to resume classroom classes only in 2021 in the municipal system. According to the source heard by the THE VILLAGE, the understanding took place in the early hours of the afternoon of this Friday 25. The decision must be announced after the approval, which is in process between the municipal manager and the Unitary Union of Education Workers of Ceará (Sindiute), that represents the education professionals of the capital of Ceará. In note, the Municipal Secretary of Education (SME) indicates that the date has not yet been set.

The movement to return just next year was signaled by approximately 144 municipalities, according to a survey by the Ceará section of the Union of Municipal Education Directors (Undime-CE). Given the high adherence, a virtual meeting was scheduled for next week with Undime-CE, the Public Ministry of the State of Ceará (MPCE) and the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) to close the matter.

The number of municipalities that must reopen schools, according to a query made by Undime-CE, is greater than that registered by the Association of Mayors of Ceará (Aprece), which indicated the interest of 125 representatives.

The State Board of Education (CEE) is preparing an opinion to guide cities in the transition to finalize the academic calendar this year and start the next. The document is being prepared by the councilors of the entity and should be published before the end of the month.
