The Ministry of Health gives a favorable opinion for the return of football, but makes reservations


The Ministry of Health issued a favorable opinion on the return of the Brazilian soccer championships, but made a series of reservations to the CBF’s national medical protocol.

In the document, obtained by Globoesporte, Saúde concluded that “soccer is a relevant sports activity in the Brazilian context and that its resumption can contribute to measures to reduce social displacement through the transmission of games at home.”

The main warning made by the folder to the CBF protocol refers to the lack of rapid tests. The organism suggested to the confederation that “it guarantees the performance of tests and constant evaluations not only in athletes, but also that it be offered to the members of the technical commissions, employees and collaborators, as well as to the respective family members and contacts close. “


Saúde also highlights that, “in the proposal presented, it is not clear where the tests will be carried out, the frequency and the reevaluation criteria, and how they will be assisted if the athletes’ diagnosis is positive.”
