The minimum wage in 2021 will increase more than expected; see the value


This week, the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Economy, confirmed the estimate of the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) for 2020. Now, according to the portfolio, the value went from 2.35% to 4.10. %. The indicator is important, since the result is used to readjust the minimum wage.

Therefore, if the index is confirmed, the wage floor would increase from R $ 1,045 to R $ 1,087.85 in 2021. That’s a increase of R $ 42.85.

Previously, in April, the Federal Government proposed in the Budget Guidelines Bill (PLDO) that the salary floor in 2021 would be R $ 1,079. It turns out that the value was taking into account the 3.29% INPC. This bill serves as the basis for the government to prepare the budget proposal for next year.

On August 31, when the Government sent the budget proposal for 2021, the Bolsonaro Government proposed a salary of R $ 1,067 for 2021, that is, to leave the national floor without real increase for the second consecutive year. The amount of R $ 1,067 takes into account an increase of 2.09% of the INPC.

Currently, the Economic Policy Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy has reviewed the indices. Now, the portfolio estimated an INPC of 4.10%, thus raising the estimated minimum salary for 2021 to R $ 42.85 in relation to this year’s value. In September, the estimate of the secretariat was a INPC of 2.35%.

No actual increase

In 2019, the government ended the policy of real adjustment of the minimum wage. Therefore, now the value of the salary is limited to following the determination of the Constitution, which speaks of preserving the purchasing power of the worker.

The increase in the real minimum wage was implemented informally by Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB) in 1994, shortly after the adoption of the Real Plan. The PT administrations made the measure official.

Without a real gain in the minimum wage, the government achieves financial relief, as the increase in the minimum wage automatically adjusts assistance and social security benefits. For each increase of R $ 1 in the minimum amount, the government increases expenses by approximately R $ 355 million per year.

Unchanged purchasing power

The readjustment of the minimum wage varies according to the increase in prices, registered as a function of inflation rates. In other words, workers will receive purchasing power that will be adjusted according to the inflation index (generalized increase in the price level).

Dieese’s calculations show that more than 49 million Brazilians live on a minimum wage. Currently, the monthly remuneration must be more than R $ 4 thousand reais per month and not R $ 1,045.00.

To calculate the minimum wage, the government considers the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the inflation of the previous year.

See also: Citizens’ income, substitutes for emergency aid, to be discussed after the second round%
