The military policeman was the only one who faced the fall of a stone and the death of a friend


The fall of a stone that hit and killed businessman Lucas de Zorzi, 39, was witnessed by the military policeman Diego Braga, 31. The two were abseiling yesterday morning in the Cañón del Espraiado, in Urubici, a city ​​in the mountainous region of Santa Catarina. They shared the same rope and were 10 meters apart when the rock moved, hitting De Zorzi on the head.

The policeman was at a higher point than his friend, in a steep area. Unable to help, the prime minister only had to wait for ransom for about 40 minutes.

“As the rope was tightened by the weight of his body, I could not reach it. I felt my hands tied, it was a feeling of helplessness. At first I thought I was unconscious. From where I was, I could not see the wound on my head. the blow made me desperate ”, says Braga, who could not cut the rope, since they would fall in free fall from an estimated height of 500 meters.

The two of them had already passed that point during the kilometer run. To get over the slope, they tied the rope to a tree and went down to a point where they could walk. “As it was very vertical again and we had no rope, we decided to go back,” says Braga. When they returned, the accident happened.

“When I heard the stone rolling, I started yelling ‘stone’ to let him know I was rolling. But it was too fast. I called him and he didn’t answer. I called twice and nothing. I tried to stand on the wall and saw that he was lying down and unconscious. “.

Even hanged, Braga managed to call the Aviation Battalion of the Military Police, which arrived at the scene in 40 minutes. De Zorzi was the first to be rescued and was transferred to Lages (SC). Then the friend had to wait for the return of the plane. “I was hoping he was alive, I did not see the severity of the injury, I only knew that it was an instant death in the Medical Legal Department,” explains Braga, who escaped unharmed.

The path was not entirely unknown to friends. About a month ago, they were at the site, but had to return when they reached the top of the tree, as they did not have enough rope. The two had known each other for ten years, and about a year ago, De Zorzi began teaching him abseiling. The climber leaves behind a son and a wife of four years.

Climber was experienced

Lucas was considered an experienced person in the extreme sports segment. He became a champion of the Brazilian artistic wingsuit, a sport of skydiving, in the years 2015, 2016 and 2017, and was also a sports instructor. The victim was still working as an industrial manager for a logging company in Lages.

“Premature death tragically interrupts a trajectory marked by the adventurous spirit, by victories and achievements, leaving a great legacy of entrepreneurship and dedication that will serve as an example for future generations,” the company said in a note.
