The mayor of Porto Alegre signals the return of football towards the end of the year or in 2021


If it depends on the wishes of the mayor of Porto Alegre, Nelson Marchezan Jr., the return of soccer games in the capital of Rio Grande do Sul may remain only until the end of the year or even until 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic, although the clubs train again This coming week.

“I don’t think there will be (games) in any way, maybe even this year. But, if it happens, it will be by the end of the year the resumption of competitive activities that require physical contact. I don’t think it’s a brief reality.” “said Marchezan.

A municipal decree published on Friday and updated on Saturday releases work, only for physical activities without contact. Inter and Grêmio are presented this Tuesday, while São José has not yet announced their return.

The president of the Gaucho Soccer Federation, Luciano Hocsman, has a meeting with Governor Eduardo Leite on Tuesday. There are rumors that exits can be made with closed doors at the end of the month.

“I am not a soccer expert, but there are 22 people, in a high contact activity, with sweating, where the exchange of salivary drops is not recommended for the protection of the athletes themselves. But every agony in their day. We have a structure that today is sufficient to meet demand, but we are updating it. I will not be definitive, “said Marchezan.

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