The governor of São Paulo, João Doria, has been under strong pressure to sell the vaccine from the Chinese laboratory Sinovac to the Ministry of Health, through the Butantan institute, even claiming its “effectiveness”. But Doria could ask the owner of the Sinovac laboratory, Yin Weidong, for an explanation, whose company admitted to the Bloomberg news agency that it had no data on the effectiveness of the vaccine, renamed “Coronavac” in Brazil. The Chinese laboratory expects to release these results in January. The information is from Columna Cláudio Humberto, Power diary.
Indonesian state laboratory PT Bio Farma announced that its tests revealed a 97% “effectiveness” of Coronavac, but fell back.
PT Bio Farma had to say no, after its partner Sinovac announced that it also has no results on the effectiveness of the vaccine it produces.
Not even the Butantan Institute has results on the effectiveness of Coronavac. The estimate is that the result will come out on the 15th.