The Last of Us 2: leaked videos with spoilers


This Sunday (26), spoiled videos from The Last of Us 2 were leaked online. Posted on YouTube, the content contained important details from the plot of the Naughty Dog game.

The videos contained not only important narrative snippets across scenes, but also gameplay, menu options, and a possible multiplayer mode.

The videos were removed from the platform and the responsible account was blocked. However, the contents were available long enough to be downloaded and republished on other social networks.

So be careful when browsing Twitter, YouTube and other platforms. If you want to stay connected, there are ways to avoid spoilers on Twitter, which can be the main source of leaks. Check it:

  • On Twitter, we recommend that automatic video playback be disabled, as well as timeline images: via cell phone, go to “Settings”> Select “Data”> Go to “Automatic video playback”> Select “Never automatically play videos”; To disable the images, click “Settings”> Select “Data”> “High-quality images”> Click “Never”;
  • Also on Twitter, mute keywords and suggestive hashtags, which can be an easy target for spoilers: go to “Settings and privacy”> “Words that have been muted”> type the word, phrase, hashtag and even the @ name Username you want to mute> click “Silence” and “enjoy silence”.
  • To further strengthen this protection, there are Google Chrome expansions created exclusively for this purpose, such as: Spoiler Protection 2.0, Unspoiler and Game of Spoils – at least one of them is worth trying.

Instead of consuming spoilers, check out our impressions of when we tried The Last of Us: Part II:

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