
SÃO PAULO – The National Broad Consumer Price Index – Base 15 (IPCA-15) rose 0.94% in October in the monthly comparison, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) this Friday (23). This was the largest increase of the month since 1995. In the year, the inflation forecast accumulated an increase of 2.31% and in 12 months it reached 3.52%.
The economists’ expectations, according to the Bloomberg consensus, were that inflation measured by the IPCA-15 would increase 0.83% in September in the monthly comparison, after an increase of 0.45% in the previous measurement. In the annual comparison, inflation was projected to rise by 3.41%, against 2.65% in the previous reading.
The prices of food and beverages pressured the indicator with the greatest increase (2.24%) among the groups and the greatest impact (0.45 percentage point). The largest contribution (0.13 pp) came from meats (4.83%), in the fifth consecutive increase. The index was also driven by increases in soybean oil (22.34%), rice (18.48%), tomatoes (14.25%) and long-life milk (4.26%). On the other hand, there was a fall in the prices of onion (-9.95%) and potato (-4.39%).
The Transport group had the second highest variation in October (1.34%), driven by air tickets, which rose 39.90% and contributed 0.13 pp to the IPCA-15 for the month. There were increases in all areas, ranging from 21.66% in Por-to Alegre to 49.71% in Curitiba. The second greatest impact (0.04 pp) came from gasoline (0.85%), its fourth consecutive increase, although less intense than the previous month (3.19%).
Still in the Transportation group, the prices of voluntary vehicle insurance rose 2.46%, after seven consecutive months of falls. Only interstate buses (-2.73%) and vehicular gas (-1.36%) had negative variations.
Household items grew 1.41%, accelerating compared to September (0.79%), with increases in all items, especially furniture (1.75%) and TV, sound and computers (1.68%) ). ).
After falling 0.27% in September, the apparel group was up 0.84%, driven by men’s (1.31%) and children’s (1.07%) clothing. Prices of women’s clothing fell 0.10%. Jewelery and costume jewelery rose 1.73%, accumulating an increase of 10.68% in the year.
In Housing (0.40%), the greatest impact (0.02 pp) came from bottled gas, 2.07% more. Piped gas, for its part, decreased 0.17%; The water and sewerage rate increased 0.16% and electricity increased 0.11%.
In October, the IPCA-15 increased in all surveyed locations. The highest result was that of the metropolitan region of Fortaleza (1.35%), driven by the prices of rice (23.02%), meat (4.79%) and gasoline (2.78%). The lowest variation was registered in the metropolitan region of Salvador (0.43%), due to the drop in gasoline prices (-5.87%).