OR militia domination and yours influence in the electoral process it is “relevant” and must be faced, but it is not a problem that can be resolved by the Electoral Justice, said on Sunday (15), the president of the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE), Luis Roberto Barroso. “On militia influence In the electoral process and in the communities, this is a problem that transcends the electoral issue. Areas where the State has lost control, this is a relevant problem that we must be able to face and solve. But they are not exactly a problem of Electoral Justice, “said Barroso in a press conference on Sunday (15). The minister commented that he spoke before with the president of the Regional Electoral Court (TRE) of Rio de Janeiro,” where the issue is more troublesome, “which informed him that the election is” taking place in absolute tranquility. ” Without having produced any relevant act of violence, “said Barroso. The president of the TSE also pointed out that the way in which the Electoral Justice acts in these situations is by the repression of electoral crimes that can be done in association with the militia .