Vice President Hamilton Mourão said on Friday (4) that the government must have a “base in Congress” and “know how to work” with the “pieces of the board” when commenting on the support of the president of Centrão, deputy Arthur Lira (PP-AL ), in the dispute for the presidency of the Chamber.
Lira is indicted in two STF cases, one for corruption and the other, in Laja Jato, for a criminal organization. The newspaper “O Estado de S. Paulo”, in its edition of Thursday (3), reported that Arthur Lira is suspected of being involved in a millionaire money diversion from the Legislative Assembly of Alagoas between 2001 and 2007, before a “crack” scheme (read below).
Journalists asked the deputy if Planalto’s support for Lira bothers him, since President Jair Bolsonaro was elected with a speech to combat corruption.
“Let’s put it like this: we have to be based in Congress, we have to have a relationship. So the pieces of the board are these and we have to know how to work with them ”, said Mourão.
Congressman Arthur Lira, PP, is suspected of embezzlement of money from the Alagoas Assembly
A TV Globo He also had access to the complaint from the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) against Lira. It points out that the fraud was due to the appropriation of part of the employees’ wages and also to the inclusion of false employees on the payroll.
According to Lira’s advisor, he trusts the Justice and is sure that he will be acquitted.
Lira was one of the main articulators in the rapprochement of the Centrão parties to Bolsonaro and is currently articulating his own candidacy for the presidency of the Chamber in 2021.
Mourão considered that the political agreements of the government in Congress do not go through him and, questioned whether Bolsonaro adopted the practice of “giving and giving” with the parties in exchange for support, the vice said that the ministries continue with elected officials elected by the government. president, without the influence of acronyms.
“I don’t see it that way [que exista toma-lá-dá-cá], above all because the ministries are still occupied by people elected by the president without being part of a specific political party, “he said.
Asked if there will be a ministerial reform in 2021, the deputy said that “perhaps the president will have to exchange some pieces,” but that the final decision will be made by Bolsonaro himself.
Mourão also commented on the ruling of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) on the possibility of reelection to the presidency of the Chamber and the Senate, a case that may benefit the current holders of both Chambers, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ) and Davi Alcolumbre (DEM- AP).
For vice, reelection for the two positions is unconstitutional, but it is up to the Supreme Court to decide: 4 ministers have already voted in favor.
Planalto works to block a victory for Maia (DEM-RJ), should his re-election be released by the STF, or a deputy related to him.
According to Mourão, the Constitution is clear in prohibiting re-election to the command of the two Houses in the same legislature.
“I think the Constitution is clear, it cannot [reeleição]. I think I would have to change the Constitution, but the Supreme Court has, let’s say, the power to interpret it as it sees fit, “said the deputy.
Minister Gilmar Mendes, rapporteur of the case at the STF, voted in favor of a legal thesis that, in practice, enables the re-election of the current presidents of the Chamber and Senate.
In addition to him, the ministers Dias Toffoli, Ricardo Lewandowski and Alexandre de Moraes have so far voted in favor of re-election.
Minister Nunes Marques understood that reelection is only possible once, regardless of whether it is the same legislature or when changing from one legislature to another. In practice, the minister’s vote would prevent Maia’s re-election (already re-elected in 2019), but would authorize Alcolumbre’s.
Camarotti comments on the discussion on reelection in the presidencies of the House and Senate