The two alleged reports sent by Abin (Brazilian Intelligence Agency) to assist Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicans) in the defense statements in the “Queiroz case” had no logo or standards for the Agency’s texts, Época magazine said.
According to the magazine, the reports were sent via WhatsApp and were outside the “standards” of Abin’s texts, which would reinforce the idea that the shipments would have been made in a parallel structure and not officially.
Yesterday, the GSI (Office of Institutional Security) denied in a statement to the STF that Abin had produced reports with the aim of helping the son of President Jair Bolsonaro. The explanation was presented after the Supreme Minister, Carmen Lúcia, gave 24 hours for General Augusto Heleno, prime minister of the GSI, and Alexandre Ramagem, general director of Abin, to speak about the accusation. Wanted by Época, the defense of Flávio Bolsonaro had confirmed the authenticity of documents.
In defense, the Cabinet denied the accusation and criticized the journalist Guilherme Amado, a columnist for the magazine and responsible for the story.
“It is clear, therefore, that the alleged illegal act (…) is based entirely on the capricious narrative of a journalist who often exorbitates his right to expression, imputing, without evidence, abusive behavior to the public powers, without no type of responsibility with the truth of the facts ”, accused the GSI.
Abin also denies the accusations.
By note, Abin denied having produced reports to help the senator. “The supposedly published excerpts are poorly written, with technical language that is not related to intelligence activities,” he says.
The agency also responded that there is no “Abin Parallel” or “Abin Clandestina.” “The accusations are based on a clumsy narrative, devoid of a set of evidence, supposedly contained in documents that were not produced by the Agency,” he says, in a note, reinforcing that he will ask the Attorney General’s Office (AGU) to adopt “able”. to restore the truth of the facts. “
(With Agência Estado)