The Figueirense nutritionist makes a strong outburst after the fans attack the squad; VIDEO | figueirense


“We deserve respect.” The sentence is part of the outburst of the Figueira nutritionist, Cíntia Carvalho, who used social networks to denounce the invasion of a group of 40 fans to the Orlando Scarpelli stadium during the training of the professional squad on Saturday afternoon. At least five players were attacked.

– We were working. Whoever works in soccer is not a tramp, he works on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays. It works to get results, but we don’t always succeed. Those of us who work with soccer have a father, mother, son and work, and we deserve respect – says Cíntia, who was in the invaded place, on one of the roofs of the video. See the full report below

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According to reports from players and officials, the invaders wore clothes bearing identifications of the club’s main organized crowd. They went to meet the players and beat and kicked, in addition to launching rockets at the group. An athlete, who asked not to be identified, reported the moment of tension.

– I’ve never seen anything like this in my career. It was terrifying. They (the fans) did not come in a good way to speak, they arrived already wanting to fight and launching the rockets at our feet – said a player to ge Santa Catarina.

At the time of the invasion, 34 players were training. The Figueirense press office reported that there were minor injuries (without saying if he was a player or an official), but that they were treated by the club’s medical department. The report found that at least five athletes suffered physical injuries, one of them with a cut on his forehead.

Figueirense issued an official note in which “vehemently repudiates the unfortunate events that occurred” and states that “sports results or administrative problems of any kind do not justify any type of attitude that threatens the physical integrity of the athletes and professionals of the commission technique”. (See full statement below)

The invasion came after fans tore down gate 8 of the stadium. Upon their arrival on the field, they launched rockets at the players who carried out the regenerative work under the command of coach Elano, the day after the 1-0 defeat by Paraná, against the Brazilian Serie B. The technician, through his press office, assured that “he prefers not to comment on what happened.”

The Military Police were called, but when they arrived at the stadium the group of fans had already left the place. The club’s board of directors met to align the legal steps to be taken. The police report was recorded early Saturday night.

Rojões worn by fans – Photo: Marcelo Siqueira / NSC TV


Figueirense Futebol Clube, through its Board of Directors, vehemently repudiates the unfortunate events that occurred this afternoon at the Orlando Scarpelli Stadium.

Sports results or administrative problems of any nature do not justify any type of attitude that threatens the physical integrity of the athletes and professionals of the technical commission.

Given the facts, there is no choice but to seek the competent authorities, so that strong measures are taken.

Invaders damaged gate 8 to enter the stadium – Photo: Mateus Castro / NSC TV
