The federal revenue auction will have Redmi Note 7 and PS4 with an initial offer of R $ 180


The next IRS auction do Belém (PA) will have several electronic devices that will be sold at a cheaper price. Among the products, smartphones stand out Redmi Note 7, from Xiaomi, and the iPhone 8 Plus, from Apple. Other electronic devices like the console Playstation 4 and the MacBook Air It will also be auctioned.


The new limit, once regulated, takes effect on January 1, 2020

Like any IRS auction event, seized products will start at a very low price. Sony’s PlayStation 4 and Xiaomi’s phone will start from a value from R $ 180. Apple products, generally more expensive and with greater demand in the market, will start in the R $ 4,800 range. For comparison, a Redmi Note 7 is for sale in Brazil for between R $ 1,500 and R $ 2,000, depending on the configuration and the retail store.

Other lots with various products will be available, despite starting with a slightly more expensive starting price. Lot 154, for example, will have three iPhone XS units, along with two protective cases for the devices and will cost around R $ 1,530

The auction will take place on the day May 5, from 4pm to 6pm. It is important to remember that the values ​​highlighted here are the starting price, which may be more expensive depending on the offers of interested buyers. Whoever wants to participate in the auction must access the IRS Online Portal on the 5th of the following month to follow the event. It is necessary to have an electronic certificate (e-CAC) to participate, which can be granted by both individuals and companies.
