The Farm 12 or BBB20? Record has its own version of Globo’s ‘brothers’ TV News


Since the end of Big Brother Brazil on April 20, the public began to speculate on which cast would achieve the same success as Globo’s reality show on A Fazenda 12. With a good audience and repercussion, Record’s closure is showing similarities with the competitor with respect to the personalities of the participants.

The division between men and women is not the only thing the two confinements have in common. Jojo Todynho, for example, took over the kitchen in the same way that Babu Santana did at BBB20, and also values ​​environmental organization.

Rural reality still has a version own of “sensible fairies” and “garbage boys” confined in Itapecerica da Serra, in addition to the clueless and also of the girls who “betray” the union movement among women allying with the boys.

See a list of similar personalities among farmers and siblings from 2020:

Cartolouco and Daniel Lenhardt are similar in poor hygiene

Cartolouco and Daniel

Like Daniel Lenhardt’s model, sportswriter Lucas Strabko, Cartolouco, elicits peculiar reactions from onlookers in rural confinement. The reasons are the lack of personal hygiene and the lack of awareness in social relationships.

Cartolouco does not bathe constantly for days and has even shown feces hidden in his bathing suit for other reality peons. In addition, together with Biel, they were responsible for the first punishment of the season of A Fazenda 12. In BBB20, Daniel also provoked several infractions and maintained an “aerial” behavior, disconnected from reality.

Tays Reis and Flayslane are more comfortable with men

Tays Reis and Flayslane

In addition to singers from the Northeast, Tays Reis and Flayslane Raiane prefer to develop friendly relationships with men, and therefore distance themselves from women. The sister became close to Felipe Prior, Guilherme Napolitano, Daniel and other siblings with whom she maintains emotional ties even after the end of the Globo program.

In the Record reality show, the funky musician Biel is a partner (and ficante) of the owner of the hit Paredão Metralhadora, popularly known as Trá, Trá, Trá. The two also said that they would rather protect male friends than defend other women. The word sorority is not a hit in the vocabulary of these two.

Jakelyne and Rafa Kalimann express themselves and discuss with the class

Jakelyne Oliveira and Rafa Kalimann

Before long, Jakelyne and Rafa won over fans during their run-ins by presenting “sensible fairies” poses. They carry out attitudes according to their speeches, mainly in defense and protection of friends. At the time of the fight, neither of them loses the line, managing to argue with class.

In addition to social traits, the participants also show physical similarities, ranging from the way they walk to the way they speak. However, while the digital influencer was still alone in reality, Miss Brazil 2013 has already opened her heart and struck up a romance with compatriot Mariano.

Biel and Lucas Gallina bet on dubious strategies to dominate

Biel and Lucas Gallina

In the running of the bulls, Biel and Lucas Gallina are the participants who develop strategies to dominate the game. However, his distorted readings of reality make the possible benefit of being shot in the foot. In BBB20, the physiotherapist was eliminated with 62.62% of the votes and received criticism from viewers for implementing a plan to seduce Mari González and try to burn her.

The funkeiro, on the other hand, entered A Fazenda 12 to clean his image, after accusations of harassment and violence against women. However, in the rural confinement, he already made fat comments against Jojo Todynho, cursed Luiza Ambiel and said that Anitta’s music sucks.

Jojo and Babu just want to cook in peace and keep the kitchen in order

Jojo Todynho and Babu Santana

For Jojo and Babu, the kitchen is a sacred place. In addition to commanding the preparation of food for colleagues, they are people who insist on always leaving the space tidy and do not accept disorder and waste at mealtime.

Also, when they get into trouble, the reason is usually food. At BBB20, the actor was outraged by Daniel’s waste and lack of organization. In A Fazenda 12, the owner of the hit Que Tiro Esse Esse? He even fought MC Mirella over food scraps and prevented Lipe Ribeiro from cooking after cleaning the stove.

To learn all about A Fazenda and the universe of reality shows, listen to the podcast O Brasil Tá Vendo:

Listen “# 12 – Does Fazenda 12 already have cliques?” on the Spreaker.

Subscribe to the channel Newson YouTube and watch videos analyzing the reality show A Fazenda 12
