Dr. Gilmar Calazans Lima, 55, who died of Covid-19 in a hospital in Ilhéus, in southern Bahia, on Monday morning, March 21, was under treatment with hydroxychloroquine. According to information from the Secretary of Health of the State of Bahia, Fábio Vilas-Boas, Gilmar underwent treatment at home for four days, with the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. He even showed clinical improvement, without fever or dyspnea, when he developed a sudden illness.
“As a physician, the patient gained access to hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, was prescribed, and used at home. He was hypertensive and diabetic with adequate control.“Vilas-Boas reported. The doctor’s family published the prescription on social media, indicating that the medication was prescribed by another health professional.
Taken by family members, the doctor entered the Costa da Cacau Hospital emergency room with cardiopulmonary arrest. “He underwent resuscitation for 45 minutes, remained without stabilizing the heart rate and ended up evolving until death,” explained the Secretary of Health.
Chloroquine x Hydroxychloroquine
Despite being made from the same substance, chloroquine, the two remedies have different reactions and adverse effects. Hydroxychloroquine is considered “safer” since it has fewer side effects.
The Bahia Health Secretary took the opportunity to warn about the use of the substance that has been identified as a treatment possibility for Covid-19. “Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are known to lead to life-threatening severe cardiac arrhythmias. Their use should be preceded by a cardiological evaluation and an electrocardiogram.”he points out.
Gilmar was the 46th disease-confirmed death in the state. According to Sesab, the doctor had the first symptoms of the disease on April 11. Four days later he was admitted to the Regional Hospital of Costa do Cacau (HRCC), but he ended up not resisting and died today.
The HRCC board of directors, where Gilmar also worked, issued a note mourning the death. “The employee remained isolated in his home in the last week when he worsened in the last 48 hours, being urgently hospitalized at HRCC,” the text says. “In this moment of pain and dismay, we leave our deepest condolences to family and friends,” the message concludes.
From the Post, via Rede Nordeste
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