The country has 881 new deaths in 24 h and the total of deaths exceeds 144 thousand


The country has registered, in the last 24 hours, 881 new deaths from covid-19 and completes its second week with records below 1,000. As a result, the total number of deaths from coronavirus reached 144,767. The information comes from the consortium of vehicles of which Twitter It is part of.

The number of new confirmed cases since yesterday is 35,643; Since the beginning of the pandemic, Brazil has recorded 4,849,229 diagnoses.

The moving average of deaths, calculated based on the number of deaths in the last seven days, is 698, which represents stability in relation to the variation of 14 days ago.

Ten states and the Federal District experienced a drop in the moving average of deaths, while another 12 remained stable.

Four states showed acceleration: Amazonas (149%), Ceará (39%), Espírito Santo (28%) and Roraima (375%). There was a reclassification in the number of deaths in Amazon today. 117 deaths were recorded, but only 3 occurred in the last 24 hours.

Roraima appears in acceleration (375%) for more than a week, since, in the last 5 days, it registered figures higher than the 14-day comparison. For example, there were 6 deaths today and 2 last Friday (25), resulting in a 2.7 moving average. In the same period two weeks ago, the number of deaths varied between 0 and 2, which gives a moving average of 0.5, which is why it presents such a sharp acceleration.

Among the regions, they all remained stable: Midwest (-10%), North (-5%), Northeast (1%), Southeast (-14%) and South (-14%).

See the oscillation in the states:

  • Acceleration: AM, CE, ES and RR;
  • Stability: AL, AP, BA, GO, MA, MG, PB, PE, PR, RN, SC and SE;
  • Remains: AC, DF, MS, MT, PA, PI, RJ, RO, RS, SP and TO.

Government data

The Ministry of Health has released 728 new deaths registered since yesterday, totaling 144,680 deaths from covid-19 in the country.

36,157 new cases were registered in 24 hours. Brazil has, since the beginning of the pandemic, 4,847,092 diagnoses.

The federal government considers 4,212,722 recovered patients and states that there are 489,640 cases under follow-up.

Anvisa starts the first analysis to register the Oxford vaccine

Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) announced today the beginning of the first analyzes aimed at registering the possible vaccine against covid-19 developed in collaboration between the University of Oxford, in the United Kingdom, and the British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. The analysis will be based on non-clinical data from the vaccine and is not yet sufficient to certify the efficacy and safety of the immunizer.

The Ministry of Health, through the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, agreed to receive doses and subsequent local production of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine, if it is effective against the new coronavirus.

Measures against covid-19 in elections

The TSE (Superior Electoral Court) Plenary today approved the inclusion in the electoral regulations of the measures provided for in the Health Security Plan for the November municipal elections.

With the process, the measures to prevent contagion by the new coronavirus become mandatory during the vote, as provided for in the security plan, which had already been announced at the beginning of September.

Vehicles gather for information

In response to the decision of the government of Jair Bolsonaro to restrict access to data on the covid-19 pandemic, media Twitter, El Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo, G1 and Extra formed a consortium to work collaboratively to seek the necessary information directly from the state health departments of the 27 units of the Federation.

The federal government, through the Ministry of Health, should be the natural source of these figures, but recent attitudes by the authorities and the president himself question the availability of the data and its veracity.

* With Reuters and Agência Brasil
