The Coronavac vaccine arrives in Niterói in the coming weeks


vaccine, vaccination, campaign, medicine
More than a million doses have already been purchased for Niterói. Photo: Pedro Conforte

Niterói should already receive the vaccine against the new coronavirus in the coming weeks. The information was confirmed on Wednesday (16) by the elected mayor Axel Grael (PDT), during the transmission with the mayor Rodrigo Neves on the Internet. The meeting marked the launch of Niterói’s 2013-2020 management balance.

“We face a great challenge in this final stretch of management, perhaps the greatest of our generation, which is the pandemic. But we were led by Rodrigo once again. We arrive here now, with great repercussion, given the prospect that the vaccine will arrive here in Niterói, in a few weeks, to begin to overcome once and for all this pandemic that affected our city so much ”.

Axel Grael, mayor-elect

Last Thursday (10), the current mayor of Niterói, Rodrigo Neves (PDT), signed at the headquarters of the Butantan Institute, in São Paulo, the memorandum for the supply of 1.1 million doses of the Coronavac vaccine, produced by institute, to Niterói. The amount is enough to immunize the entire population of the city of more than 500 thousand inhabitants.

According to the schedule proposed to Butantan and signed by the institutional director Raúl Machado, there would be 300 thousand doses available at the end of January for health professionals and the elderly, another 300 thousand doses by the end of February, distributed to citizens with comorbidities and professionals of the education, and another 500 thousand for the rest of the population during the first semester, until May.


The mayor of Niterói, Rodrigo Neves, presented on Wednesday (16) the results of the Plan Niterói We Want 2013-2020, in a ceremony at the Municipal Theater, broadcast on the municipality’s Facebook page.

Strategic planning has guided government actions in the areas of Security, Infrastructure, Finance, social programs, Health, Education, among others, in recent years.

“I close this government with organized public accounts and a city that has a short, medium and long-term development plan that few cities in the world have. The Niterói Que Queremos is not a project of the mayor, councilors or political party. It is a project of the city as a whole that is for the next generations, ”said Mayor Rodrigo Neves.

The Niterói Que Queremos was held in association with the Competitive Brazil Movement. It is the city’s first Short, Medium and Long-Term Strategic Development Plan, which covers the next 20 years, after its implementation.

His goal is to leave Niterói prepared for current and future challenges. In its preparation, the most diverse segments were heard in interviews, research on the Web and conferences. Based on diagnoses and research, the plan for the period 2014-2033 was prepared and divided into three stages, with actions planned for periods of four, eight and 20 years.

The municipal secretary for Planning, Budgeting and Modernization of Management, Ellen Benedetti, presented the set of works and projects developed in the last eight years of the municipal administration and that are part of the set of actions of Niterói that we want.

The achievements include different areas of the city, from urban mobility to leisure and culture, with emblematic works such as: TransOceânica, the Charitas-Cafubá Tunnel, the expansion of the Marquês do Paraná; drop in violence rates with projects such as Niterói Presente and creation of the Integrated Center for Public Security (Cisp); reopening of the Getulinho Hospital, rehabilitation and expansion of Mário Monteiro and Carlos Tortelly Hospital; the largest investments in Education in the State of Rio de Janeiro; Bayside bathing projects, sanitation works; financial recovery, unprecedented creation of the Income Compensation Fund; cultural grants, inauguration of the Nelson Pereira dos Santos Room.

The municipal secretary of Finance, Giovanna Victer, spoke about the city’s actions to face the new coronavirus pandemic.

“We started 2020 planning many projects and deliveries, but on March 8, the mayor met the crisis office and we started looking for scenarios for Niterói with the pandemic. We created programs to help people who lost their income due to social isolation, such as the Basic Income Program, which benefited more than 40 thousand people who receive R $ 500 per month to meet their basic needs. We create programs to help micro, small and medium-sized companies in the city. In all this, the saving of royalties was very important, which was created for emergency use and we do not anticipate that we would have this soon, ”said the secretary.

Mayor-elect Axel Grael also attended the ceremony. He recalled that in 2021, in the electoral campaign, when he was running for vice mayor, all the achievements presented were planned.

“As I watched the presentations of the government’s achievements, I was reminded of 2012, when we ran an electoral campaign saying that we were going to do everything that was presented. We promised business management and we did business management; We said that we would do a management that would prioritize Education, Health and now we see, after eight years, these results that were exactly what we promised we would do ”, said Axel Grael.

The mayor-elect also stressed that he will continue with the Niterói Que Queremos projects and that the current administration will be remembered for the historic achievements it has achieved.

“In a few years we will remember that this historical result occurred at such an adverse time, perhaps in the worst decade in the history of the republic, the state. We face a great challenge in this final stretch, the greatest of our generation, which is this pandemic. But we did a management that got the city out of debt. We will continue looking for resources and we will maintain the investment cycle in the city. We will continue to do all this work to improve the quality of service to citizens and continue on the path of sustainability, ”said Axel Grael.

The mayor of Niterói and the deputy mayor, Paulo Bagueira, the federal deputy Chico D’Ângelo, the first lady Fernanda Sixel, among other authorities, also participated in the event.

Posted at 7:16 pm. Updated at 20:15.
