The congresswoman is ordered to put on an electronic anklet in up to 48 hours


Federal Deputy Flordelis (PSD-RJ), who is accused of being the intellectual author of the murder of her husband, was summoned last night at her home in the city of Niterói (RJ) to place an ankle bracelet in 48 hours.

According to the TJRJ (Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice), Flordelis was summoned yesterday at 7:00 p.m., in response to a request from the MP. The deputy must appear at the Seap (Secretariat of Penitentiary Administration) to put on the anklet.

At the end of August, Flordelis was denounced by the MPRJ and the Civil Police as the mastermind of the murder of her husband, Pastor Anderson do Carmo, who died in 2019.

Last Saturday (3), the Rio de Janeiro court authorized the use of the police force to summon Flordelis to wear an ankle bracelet after failing to locate the deputy at his home in RJ or Brasilia.

The Rio de Janeiro court ruled that Flordelis should be monitored with the help of an electronic ankle bracelet in mid-September. She was also forced to perform nighttime cleaning tasks at her home.

Late last month, Flordelis’ defense tried to appeal in court against ankle guard surveillance, but the request was denied.

Cassation risk

Last Thursday (1st), the magistrate of the Chamber of Deputies, Paulo Bengtson (PTB-PA), issued a favorable opinion on the continuation of the disciplinary process against the deputy in the Chamber.

Now, the Board of Directors of the Chamber will analyze the case against Flordelis and, if it considers it valid, will refer it to the Council of Ethics and Parliamentary Decorum to open the case against the deputy.

In the Council, a rapporteur chosen from a triple list formed by lottery will determine the facts of the accusation and will give his opinion on the accusation or the acquittal of the deputy, who may still appeal the decision to the Constitution and Justice Commission.

After the Council vote on the decision of the rapporteur, the opinion will be sent to the Plenary of the Chamber, where the vote will be carried out openly. There, Flordelis could be indicted if 257 deputies vote for his conviction.
