The chancellor says that the coronavirus is a communist plan | National newspaper


A text by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ernesto Araújo, provoked criticism from experts. The minister considers the coronavirus to be a communist plan that attacked the World Health Organization.

The title of the minister’s article is: “The community virus has arrived.” “The coronavirus wakes up again for the communist nightmare.” Ernesto Araújo wrote the text of the reading of the book “virus” by Slavoj Žižek, which he presents as one of the main Marxist theorists today.

The minister criticizes the value that countries are giving to the World Health Organization at the moment and says: “transfer national powers to the World Health Organization, on the pretext (never proven!) That a centralized international organization it is more efficient in dealing with problems than countries act individually is only the first step in building planetary communist solidarity. ”

According to Ernesto Araújo, “the virus appears, in fact, as an immense opportunity to accelerate the globalist project. reorganization of society based on the principle of race, anti-nationalism, scientism ”.

And he concludes saying that “under the pretext of the pandemic, the new communism tries to build a world without nations, without freedom, without spirit, led by a central agency of ‘solidarity’ in charge of monitoring and punishing. A global state of exception permanent, transforming the world into a large concentration camp. ”

Minister Ernesto Araújo’s article sparked much criticism in diplomatic and scientific circles. Former Ambassador Roberto Abdenur of the Brazilian Center for International Relations considers it a delight to see globalization as a communist movement.

“Diplomats need a lot of restraint in what they say and write. You need balance and objectivity and be very careful about the impact and repercussion of what you do and what you say. Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo is intoxicated by delusions and dreams of a conspiratorial sense, without any connection to the reality of the events, “he said.

The former Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Marcos Azambuja, said that Ernesto Araújo is inventing opponents and conspiracies that do not exist.

“The statements by the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the coronavirus and the WHO are inappropriate and inappropriate. Brazil faces a great challenge and needs friends and national and international allies. The WHO is not a perfect entity, but it fulfills an essential function and it is all we have to make international cooperation more effective, ”he defended.

The former ambassador in several countries and former Minister of Industry and Commerce under the Fernando Henrique government, José Botafogo Gonçalvez, said there was no connection between the coronavirus and communism.

“Pandemics, not only this, but those that have occurred and have occurred in recent centuries, have an origin that does not depend on political decisions. To interpret that the pandemic was generated for a political purpose, I think it is a misnomer, “he said.

Virologist Amilcar Tanuri, who is part of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, says that the Covid-19 pandemic follows a path determined by nature, like so many others.

“It has no political ideology. It follows the genetic information within its genome and is spreading throughout the world,” he says.

The Brazilian government has been taking a position in international organizations against globalization.

On Monday (20), Brazil, after the United States, was one of the few countries that did not declare public support for the UN resolution for greater international cooperation in the development, manufacture and access to medicines and vaccines against Covid- 19. The resolution, which strengthens the association with the World Health Organization, was signed by 178 countries.

The World Health Organization decided not to comment on the statements of Minister Ernesto Araújo.
