The cause of death of former gymnast Ana Paula Scheffer is inconclusive, says first IML exam | West and southwest


The first examination carried out to define the cause of death of the former athlete of the Brazilian rhythmic gymnastics team Ana Paula Scheffer was not conclusive, reported the Legal Medical Institute (IML) of Paraná on Saturday (17). Therefore, the body of the former athlete will be subjected to a new examination. The family suspects a heart attack.

The former gymnast was found dead on Friday (16) in Toledo, in the western region of Paraná. Ana Paula was 31 years old, was a medalist at the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2007, and currently works as a technician.

  • ‘It will be difficult to pass the hour’, says mother of Ana Paula Scheffer, Pan 2007 medalist found dead in Paraná

Relatives believe that the former gymnast suffered a massive heart attack. The Scientific Police is responsible for the tests that will indicate the cause of death.

Ana Paula Scheffer’s funeral will take place from 10:30 am this Saturday, in the crypt of the Cristo Rei Cathedral, in Toledo. The burial must take place on Sunday afternoon (18), in the same city.

The body of former gymnast Ana Paula Schefer will be veiled in Toledo

The body of former gymnast Ana Paula Schefer will be veiled in Toledo

According to the family, Ana Paula Scheffer was lying on her bed in the bedroom when she was found around 12 noon on Friday by her mother, Sonia Scheffer.

According to the mother, the daughter was not ill and did not complain of bodily pain.

“She was a very happy girl, very loved. She never gave me any problems, she was very loving. It was our pride, my two sons are proud of me. It will be more difficult, because it seems that what I am going through is a dream. that it will be difficult to achieve it, ”said the mother.

Ana Paula Scheffer began training as a child for the Toledo rhythmic gymnastics team. Represented the municipality in various national and international competitions, standing out in the individual category.

As a young man, he won medals in championships in Paraná and Brazil, he was part of the Brazilian Rhythmic Gymnastics Team from 2005 to 2015.

At that time, he participated in four world championships, in addition to the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Ana Paula received a bronze medal in the Arco device, at the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro, 2007 – Photo: ge / archive

After finishing his career as an athlete, he started working as a team coach in the neighboring town of Cascavel.

According to the Toledo rhythmic gymnastics team, Ana Paula was demanding and dedicated. Currently, he was reaping the first results with his students on the podium, in Brazilian and South American competitions.

In 2011, the athlete was honored by the Toledo Chamber with the Willy Barth Medal, for her dedication and achievements in Brazilian and world sport as a representative of the city.

In 2015, Ana Paula Scheffer gave an interview to RPC. Look down.

Report shows how are former gymnasts who have already represented the state in competitions

Report shows how are former gymnasts who have already represented the state in competitions

Ana Paula received a bronze medal in the Arco apparatus, at the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro, in 2007.

According to the Brazilian Gymnastics Confederation, Ana Paula also worked as a coach in the transitional teams of Individual and Joint Rhythmic Gymnastics.

The Brazilian Gymnastics Confederation (CBG) issued a note lamenting the death of the former gymnast.

Ana Paula was one of the most outstanding rhythmic gymnastics athletes of her generation, according to the confederation.

“She is one of the athletes who built our rhythmic gymnastics, which made it a source of great pride for Brazilians. In addition to inspiring, he had an important job in training new athletes in Paraná. It goes too soon, but it won’t be forgotten. My sentiments to family and friends, ”said CBG President Maria Resende.

Ana Paula Scheffer lived with her parents in Toledo – Photo: Emanuel Rocha / CBG

The municipality of Cascavel, where Ana worked, said the former athlete made history in rhythmic gymnastics, inspiring children and adults and popularizing the sport in Brazil.

The former gymnast worked at the Alice Martelli Sports Initiation Center, where she taught more than 200 children. Most recently, he headed the institution’s performance team.

The Toledo City Council also mourned the death of the former gymnast, who became an inspiration in the sport.

According to the Municipal Sports and Leisure Council, Ana Paula was special, a girl full of joy, sympathy, talent and love for everything she did.

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