the candidate’s plans in Barcelona


Emili Rousaud is one of the candidates for the Barcelona, which in January defines the future president after the resignation of Josep Maria Bartomeu. And he has bold plans that include two of today’s great soccer players: Lionel Messi and Neymar.

In an interview with the newspaper As, from Spain, the former vice president of Barça assures that he has already spoken with people who work with Neymar to discuss a possible return to the Camp Nou, where the Brazilian left in mid-2017 to play in the Paris saint germain.

“We have spoken with Neymar’s environment and he gave some statements that he interpreted as if he wanted Messi in Paris. And no, Neymar wants to return to Barcelona, ​​just as he wanted in the summer of 2019. Now he cannot pay the transfer, so it would be at the end of the contract, “said Rousaud.

Neymar has a contract with PSG until June 2022, and recently declared his intention to stay at the club. So much so that talks for a new bond are ongoing.

Regarding Messi, the candidate was sincere and said that the current salary of the jersey 10 is “unsustainable” for the current economic situation of the club. Barça was one of the many economically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and failed to raise hundreds of millions of euros.

“Clearly, in the current state of the club, it is not possible to guarantee Messi’s salary. It is unsustainable. We need to reach an agreement,” said the presidential candidate, who, however, does not intend to give in to the Argentine, who is without contract next June.

“What matters to him is the sports project. When Messi said he wanted to leave, it was not a question of money. He has the highest salary in the world, there is nothing higher than him. He wants to go not because he earns little, but because he wants to. To be a champion. He wants a team that has talent, so the project that we will present is attractive, “he guaranteed.
