As of this Saturday (24), those who had their emergency aid canceled and did not receive an extension of R $ 300 can take the challenge. Anyone still eligible for residual emergency assistance can file a challenge until November 2, when the deadline expires.
According to the Ministry of Citizenship, the records of the beneficiaries of the aid will be reviewed every month. The ministry will reevaluate criteria such as possible formal employment, death of the beneficiary or receipt of other benefits that invalidate the possibility of receiving the aid; the only exception is Bolsa Família. When one of these scenarios is identified, help registration is canceled. Disputes must be made on the Dataprev website.
“We are working to be as efficient as possible in the payment of aid and the extension of aid and we are being recognized worldwide for this. Every month reviews are made with the federal government’s data crossing, so that the money reaches those who really need it, ”said Onyx Lorenzoni, Minister of Citizenship.
The emergency aid began to be paid in April. Three installments of R $ 600 would be paid, then it was expanded to two more installments of R $ 600 for all beneficiaries. Finally, it was extended to another four installments of R $ 300, which were paid in December. In the case of mothers who are heads of households, the payment began with installments of R $ 1,200 and in the extension they are R $ 600.