The Civil Police of Ceará (PCCE) revealed, on the morning of Tuesday (20), that the caretaker suspected of committing serial rapes in a summer house, in the district of Sucatinga, in Drink, is Matheus Bruno Rocha Gomes, 24 years old, with no criminal record.
According to the Institution, the young attracted the victims with promises of employment or material goods such as cell phones and money. Upon learning that he was being investigated, Matheus Bruno threaten women.
The caretaker was arrested on the spot by the civil police of the Municipal Police Station of Beberibe, after raping an 18-year-old girl on October 14. He is suspected of raping five other people: two 21-year-old women and three teenagers, two of whom are only 13 and one is 15.
The crimes took place in the summer house where Matheus worked. He called the girls to the site to do housework and raped them, according to investigations. In the case of teenagers, he lured them with the promise of giving a cell phone.
Video broadcast threat
According to the Civil Police, Matheus Bruno filmed the crimes and threatened the victims with publishing the videos on social networks, if they did not continue to meet him. There are still cases in which the suspect demanded money from the women not to carry out the disclosure. One of them paid R $ 200 For that.
The Civil Police indicate that the population of the region can contribute to investigations by passing information. Complaints can be made to the number (85) 3338.2590, of the Municipal Police of Beberibe. Confidentiality and anonymity are guaranteed by the Institution.