The airports of Trancoso and Porto Seguro have ‘congestion’ of airplanes


The airports of Porto Seguro and Trancoso, in the south of Bahia, faced a “congestion” of planes in the days after the Christmas holiday. On the afternoons of December 26 and 27, dozens of airplanes and private jets destined for the region had to wait in flight for the opportunity to land on the airfield runways.

Many planes have had to carry out a holding procedure called orbit, when the plane is flying in an oval path in the immediate vicinity of where they need to land. The delay was several minutes, with registrations exceeding the half-hour wait.

Sinart (Sociedade Nacional de Apoio Rodoviário e Turístico Ltda.), The company that manages the Porto Seguro airport, says that the ground operation on the 26th and 27th was smooth and that the movement did not present problems. On the 26th alone, 48 aircraft landings and 96 general aviation landings were recorded, including private and charter flights. The site supports up to 16 landings and takeoffs per hour.

At the private airport in Trancoso, according to the company, for the period between December 26 and 28, the circulation of more than 50 airplanes per day was already planned. The location is about 12 km from Porto Seguro International Airport.

Flights to Porto Seguro and Trancoso, in Bahia, make orbit to land during the afternoon of December 26 - Reproduction / Flightradar24 - Reproduction / Flightradar24

Flights to Porto Seguro and Trancoso, in Bahia, make orbit to land during the afternoon of December 26

Image: Playback / Flightradar24

The report contacted the Brazilian Air Force, which manages air traffic throughout the country and determines the eventual wait for aircraft, reports that “all operations at the Terravista airport (SBTV), in Trancoso (BA), they are being produced according to the safety and regularity indexes “.

“This weekend there was a demand for approximately 100 movements per day (between landings and take-offs), concentrated in the periods between 11 a.m. and 12 a.m., and between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. In this context, adjustments were necessary in the sequencing of air traffic to maintain the efficiency of air navigation in periods of high movement ”, concludes the statement.

At several airports in Brazil, there has been capacity at this time of year, amid the covid-19 pandemic. In São Paulo, a few days before Christmas, the report of Twitter they registered queues and crowds of people at the windows and in the loading and unloading areas.

The new Tourism Minister, Gilson Machado, arrived in early December to celebrate the country’s “crowded” airports and hotels. According to the politician, the country’s airports and hotels would be full again due to an alleged resurgence of national tourism.


The situation encountered in recent days has generated several reactions on the Internet, most of them humorous. Look down:

Commercial aviation on the rise

The strong movement of aircraft in the region in recent days is a reflection of the pandemic and the increase in operations involving executive aircraft in the last three months, according to Ricardo Fenelon, a lawyer specialized in Aeronautical Law and former director of ANAC (National Aviation Agency Civil). For Fenelon, the main explanations for the “congestion” recorded would be:

  • The significant reduction in the number of scheduled airline flights, which increased the need for non-scheduled flights in a continental country such as Brazil, where entrepreneurs, such as agribusiness, for example, need to travel.
  • The question of the Coronavirus itself, as some people are still afraid – even with studies around the world that point to the safety of flying – and prefer executive aviation, in which the passenger does not go through the main terminals of the airports and does not fly with more than 100 people. in a plane.
  • Specifically regarding the number of executive jets in tourist places like Porto Seguro and Trancoso, this is also happening due to the closure of international borders. With the United States and major European countries banning the entry of people who were in Brazil recently, many ended up traveling within Brazil.