The 5 issues that will move the market this Friday


The world stock markets are mixed this morning, after a negative session for the US stock market. Wall Street Index futures indicate that the local market opening will be mixed, with S&P 500 and Dow Jones futures rising, while Nasdaq futures falling.

All European stock exchanges are on the rise, helped by the banking sector. In Asia, the main stock markets fell. Today, the market awaits the August employment report in the United States.

In Brazil, the relationship between the mayor of Brazil, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ) and the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, is striking. Yesterday, Maia declared that she will begin to communicate about important votes with the Minister of the Government Secretariat, Luiz Eduardo Ramos. This is because, according to Maia, Guedes prohibited his dialogue with the secretaries of the economic area.

The administrative reform, sent to Congress the day before, continues to resonate today. The proposal has positive points, but it has no effect on current servers and depends on new regulations to change other rules.

In corporate news, the market is now following the repercussions of a new acquisition by Magazine Luiza. Another highlight is the news that BNDES Participações plans to follow up on the sale of its shares in Suzano. Guararapes changed the director of RI.

1. Global exchanges

The world stock markets are trading mixed this morning, after a day of decline in the North American stock market. The European stock exchanges set the most positive tone in the market, while in Asia the stock markets fell. Wall Street futures, however, do not have a clear direction, with S&P 500 and Dow Jones futures on the upside, while Nasdaq futures are on the downside.

Yesterday, markets were in a bad mood in the United States after a period of strong highs. After 30 trading sessions without falling 1%, the S&P 500 returned 3.5% yesterday. Nasdaq fell 5.2%, with major technology companies showing declines in stocks.

Today, New York futures indicate mixed market openings, while investors await payroll data in the United States. Dow Jones futures are up 0.67% and S&P 500 futures are up 0.46%, while Nasdaq futures are down 0.24%.

In Europe, banks help raise the stock markets. The Spanish Caixabank and Bankia have announced that they are negotiating a merger to create the largest bank in Spain.

Euro Stoxx wins 0.66%. London’s FTSE 100 was up 0.67%, while Paris’s CAC was up 0.95% and Germany’s DAX was up 0.30%. The FTSE MIB, on the Milan Stock Exchange, rises 0.95%.

In Asia, the market closed after low opinion from tech companies on Wall Street.

Apple alone slumped 8.1% on Thursday, which ended up spilling the shares of the iPhone maker’s Asian suppliers into Friday’s business. The company, which recently surpassed $ 2 trillion in market value, lost nearly $ 180 billion, the biggest daily drop for any company in history. Even so, it remained above the historical level reached. In Japan, Sharp and Murata Manufacturing shares fell 0.65% and 1.56%, respectively. In the Taiwanese market, the share of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company fell 1.61%. And in Hong Kong, AAC Technologies fell 2.14%.

The US government is considering banning more Chinese apps that could threaten national security, according to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

In China, Shanghai SE lost 0.87%, while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index fell 1.25%. Japan’s Nikkei 225 Index fell 1.11% and South Korea’s Kospi fell 1.15%.

* See the performance of the markets, at 7:04 am (Brasilia time):

New York

* S&P 500 Futures (US), + 0.46%
* Nasdaq Future (US), -0.24%
* Dow Jones Futures (US), + 0.67%


* Dax (Germany), + 0.27%
* FTSE 100 (UK), + 0.63%
* CAC 40 (France), + 0.91%
* FTSE MIB (Italy), + 0.95%


* Nikkei 225 (Japan), -1.11% (closed)
* Hang Seng Index (Hong Kong), -1.25% (closed)
* Shanghai SE (China), -0.87% (closed)

* WTI oil, + 0.87%, at $ 41.73 a barrel
* Brent oil, + 0.70%, at $ 44.38 a barrel

** Iron ore futures traded on the Dalian Stock Exchange closed down 1.45%, trading at 850,000 yuan, equivalent to $ 124.32 today (in the last 24 hours).
USD / CNY = 6.83669

* Bitcoin, US $ 10,526.87, -7.77%

2. Agenda

Today, investors are watching the unemployment rate for August at 9:30 am. Anfavea released today the figures for the production and sale of vehicles for August.

In the United States, the market will know what was the variation in payroll and payroll data for August, with the numbers of vacant positions and the unemployment rate for August at 9:30 am. It is estimated that 1.35 million vacancies will be created in August, compared to the previous figure of 1.76 million in July, and that the unemployment rate will fall from 10.2% to 9.8%, according to the consensus of Bloomberg.

3. Maia and Guedes

The market will react today to the deterioration of the relationship between the mayor, Rodrigo Maia, and the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes. The influence of the minister and the relationship with President Jair Bolsonaro are already causes of concern for investors, and the fear should be compounded by Maia’s remarks.

After receiving the administrative proposal from the government, the president of the Chamber said that he will begin to discuss with the Minister of the Ministry of the Government, Luiz Eduardo Ramos, on important votes, such as administrative reform. This is because, according to Maia, Guedes prohibited his dialogue with the secretaries of the economic area. The statements were made in an interview with Globonews.

Maia said that the end of the talks with Guedes will not compromise the relationship between the government and the legislature or the progress of the reforms because the political articulation continues in the Chamber. According to him, Guedes “is not political” and has “little experience” in political articulation.

Yesterday, the Economic Policy Secretariat (SPE) of the Ministry of Economy declared that abandoning the spending ceiling could plunge the country into an even deeper recession in 2020, reduce growth in 2021, in addition to raising interest and inflation, according to Or State. of São Paulo.

According to the SPE accounts, abandoning the rule would accentuate the expected drop in GDP for 2020. The current forecast is for a 4.7% drop, but it could reach 6.9%. In addition, the expected growth for 2021, of 3.2%, would be reduced, increasing to 1.7%.

4. Administrative reform

The administrative reform, sent to Congress the day before, continues to resonate today. Among the positive points, the proposal prohibits automatic career progressions and paves the way for the end of stability in most positions, brings greater rigor to performance evaluations and reduces the number of careers, said Folha de S.Paulo .

However, the measure has no effect on current servers and depends on new regulations to change other rules. For this reason, the newspaper says that the reform should not generate savings for the public coffers in the short term.

The reform falls on the future servants of the three branches of government, states and municipalities, but retains specific categories. The judges, prosecutors, prosecutors, deputies and senators will be saved from the changes. Yesterday, Maia said that the proposal could be approved by the House later this year. If approved by the House, the proposal will go to the Senate.

Also noteworthy is President Jair Bolsonaro’s speech last night on the 5G auction. According to O Estado de S. Paulo, Bolsonaro said that he is the one who will decide on the supply of technology for 5G in Brazil.

The president declared that he is in dialogue with various authorities on the matter, including members of the US government. “I will make it very clear that I will decide on 5G. It is not third, nobody guesses, no. I’ll decide 5G, ”he said in a weekly broadcast on social media. The 5G auction in Brazil should take place in 2021 and has generated a technology dispute between the United States and China.

During the broadcast, he also said that Congress “may” extend the scope of administrative reform to other Powers.

5. Corporate radar

Today, the market follows the repercussions of a new acquisition made by Magazine Luiza. The company announced the purchase of the AiQFome food delivery platform, present in more than 350 municipalities distributed in 21 states.

Another highlight is the news that BNDES Participações plans to follow up on the sale of its shares in Suzano. At the end of August, BNDESPAR owned 11.03% of the company’s total shares.

Guararapes reported that the Director of Investor Relations Newton Rocha de Oliveira Júnior will be replaced by Tulio José Pitol de Queiroz, who is the executive director of Riachuelo.

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