BRASILIA – The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), said on Tuesday that the 2020 electoral process returns politics to an “atmosphere of dialogue.” In a live broadcast debate held by the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP), Maia argued that the municipal election is a turning point in relation to the 2018 electoral cycle, when Jair Bolsonaro was elected president of the Republic .
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The President of the Chamber participated in the opening of the conference, which was also attended by the Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) Gilmar Mendes.
– The result of the election returns politics to the sphere of dialogue. Those who spoke and conversed with the society had a positive result in the election. It is clear that the municipal election does not have all this influence on the national election, but it could have had the atmosphere of a continuation of a certain wave, which at least for this election did not hold. It was broken, and I think there will be another election in 2022. I think the 2018 cycle will only be 30 or 40 years from now, in another political cycle.
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Maia also said that the reach of social media campaigns has been affected by a recent move to combat fake news. For him, platforms were used more sparingly, with the limitation of “force of extremes” and “false narratives.” According to him, politics “had a great triumph” with a scenario of “well evaluated mayors” and with “experience.”
– We also had the impact of a reduced force or at least a limit in the force of social networks. In 2018, (the networks) were used in a very unorthodox way, with many attacks and fake news, which continued last year. But I believe that the very action of the Federal Supreme Court, in that inquiry generated by Toffolli and denounced by Minister Alexandre (de Moraes), generated limits. The discussion of the legislation itself, approved by the Senate and that the House discusses and must approve before the end of the year, this generated, of course, a growing (responsible) use of social networks – said the Speaker of the House.
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Maia also said that there was a change in the population’s assessment of the experience of politicians. He cited the failure of newcomers to state government, such as Wilson Witzel (PSC) in Rio de Janeiro and Carlos Moisés (PSL) in Santa Catarina, to speak on the issue. Both governors were subject to impeachment proceedings.
– We saw that there is a very big difference between the dream and the realization of that dream (…) it is useless to have good ideas, ideas must be based on administrative experience, political experience for this to become reality. There we saw many states with problems, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, among others, where the lack of experience, among other problems, generated very large crises.