The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic will have 15 days to send information on fines and clemency agreements to the Federal Court of Accounts within the framework of the “lava jato” and all other operations of the Federal Public Ministry.

TCU wants to know who has already paid, how much was paid and how all that money, which amounts to billions of dollars, is being administered by the Justice and prosecutors.
The representation, formulated by the deputy attorney of the MP in TCU Lucas Rocha Furtado and signed this Wednesday (9/12) by Minister Bruno Dantas, requires details on which institutions benefited from the recovered values.
In his request, Dantas wants to know information about the creation and use of foundations by the members of the MPF to administer these resources.
TCU’s interest lies in the fact that the money recovered by the “lava jato” is a public resource that belongs to the Union and that the lawyers do not have a legal disposition to manage the money from the National Treasury. But it is not only the court of auditors that closely follows the fate of these billions of reais.
Last week, the Attorney General of the Republic, Augusto Aras, ordered to block the payment that J&F, Wesley brothers and Joesley Batista would make, to an NGO that would be created to administer a social fund of R $ 2.3 billion, of Total R $ 10.3 billion from the holding agreement with the MPF. Curitiba’s “lava lava” also tried to do the same with a fine of R $ 2.5 billion paid by Petrobras in the United States. But he was detained by the Federal Supreme Court.
Click here to read TCU submission