TCU suspends satellite imagery contract, and PF says fire operations are affected – 09/18/2020 – Panel


Minister Ana Arraes, of the TCU (Federal Court of Accounts), ordered the suspension by satellite images of the contract recently signed by the Federal Police with the company Planet.

The agreement cost R $ 49 million to the public coffers, as the Panel showed at the end of August.

PF says the termination of the contract will hurt a number of ongoing environmental operations, including the one in the Pantanal, which is investigating the start of the fires.

In the decision, the minister affirms that a preliminary analysis by the judicial technicians shows that “the acquisition of the contracted images, in theory, would not add any advantage that was not already offered by the monitoring developed by the National Institute for Space Research. , or even for free by other entities “. and it may, eventually, constitute damage to the federal treasury. “

Arraes requested information for the PF, for the Ministry of Justice, which financed the contract, and he also wants to hear from Inpe.
