Without contact with neighbors, Joo Batista Alves Bispo, 41, also known as “Moron do Parque ”, maintained a discreet life. The offender, arrested on Wednesday morning (7/10) by the Federal District Civil Police (PCDF), worked as a cook in a restaurant in Asa Sul and lived in Planaltina.
Investigations, carried out by Police Station 1 (Asa Sul), revealed that the offender operated in a similar way with people who frequented Parque da Cidade at night: he doped the victims, always with sex male, between 25 and 40 years old – with “Boa Noite, Cinderela” in drinks, they raped and stole belongings. It is estimated that, so far, 11 people have been victims of the author, in a period of 2008 and 2020. On the afternoon of this Thursday (10/8), after the repercussion of the case, a miner went to the police unit and denounced the author for theft.
During the interrogation, Joo Batista tried to deny the crimes, accusing an alleged friend. However, according to the delegate, investigations have shown that such a person does not exist. “He could not explain how the victims’ belongings were in his house and said that the remedies were left by that friend. the neighbors They even reported that he never received visitors, he left at 5 in the morning and returned after 11 at night, always alone, ”the researcher explained.
At least 11 people reported being victims of the rapist. The first case would have occurred in 2008, in Planaltina, but the victim only registered a complaint this year. In testimony, the boy claimed that he asked the defendant for help to change the furniture in the apartment. In the act, Joo Batista sexually assaulted and abused the victim. the boy was 16 years old.
Two years later, the author tried to rape a man in Parque da Cidade Park 3, but the victim fought and escaped. The boy only registered a bulletin after the case was reported in the press. In 2013, a young man with a mental disability was the victim of the criminal. According to the report, Joo would have promised R $ 1,000 in exchange for sex. The boy’s mother, however, discovered and reported the police case.
The defendants began drugging men with the chemical in 2017, according to investigations. The first victim was an 18-year-old boy. Police Station 16 (Planaltina) opened an investigation, but the victim resigned and did not want to continue with the process. The following year, the offender used the drug to drug another 22-year-old, but the young man also preferred not to continue with the offender.
This year, he committed five other crimes. The most recent occurred on August 10. A man sought out the 1st DP still in the afternoon of this Thursday, after the repercussion of the case. He told the police that he was in Parque da Cidade, sitting on a bench, when the author approached him and told him that he was sad because it was his birthday and he was alone. After the conversations, the criminal asked if the victim did not want to “take one.” The boy accepted, according to investigations. The man woke up and was found alone the next day by the Mobile Emergency Service (Samu), who helped him. The victim claimed that he was not abused, but his cell phone was stolen.
report it
The Police ask that whoever recognizes Joo Batista as the author of other crimes report to the PCDF by phone.