Swiss vaccine against new coronavirus should be ready in October


Among the various projects shown as
The hope of overcoming the coronavirus pandemic is shown in this
Wednesday by scientists from the University of Bern.

According to Swiss researchers, “this will be the first,
or one of the first vaccines available in the world against the new coronavirus. ”
The statement was made by project leader Martin Bachmann, who claims that he
It will be ready by October at the latest.

The scientist says the project is underway.
and that, for the moment, it is undergoing tests to certify its effectiveness and safety. “The
The possibility of success is realistic. Switzerland has a tradition of pragmatism and is
ready to find a vaccine commitment as soon as possible “, guarantees

The Swiss project uses coronavirus-like particles,
they’re not contagious and they’re not weakened viruses like
vaccines in general. According to scientists, the test results have already
performed indicates that the product allows the body to create a good response
immune to the virus

They also report that the same team developed a
prototype of the vaccine in early February, a few weeks after the virus was
identified in China, and managed to neutralize the virus in guinea pigs

Bachmann too
claims that their vaccine may have an advantage over the many others that are
under development, due to the ease of production, as it could produce up to
billions of doses in no time.
