Suspect’s residence has ‘signs of neglect’


The main suspect of having run over, failing to provide assistance and, therefore, having risked killing the cyclist Marina Kohler Harkot, 28, at dawn on Sunday (8), in Pinheiros, west of São Paulo , left his apartment, in the center of the capital, hastily after the case, according to civil police officers who are directly investigating the case interviewed by Twitter. He had his preventive detention decreed today by the Civil Police.

After being run over at the intersection between Avenida Paulo VI and Rua João Moura, Marina could not resist her injuries. An off-duty military policeman managed to take down the license plate: a silver Hyndai Tucson with the license plate of the City of Inconfidents (MG). The Civil Police managed to locate the car and the address of the owner of the car, but the main suspect is still being searched.

Micro-entrepreneur, the owner of the car is called José Maria da Costa Júnior – or Juninho, as he is known -, he is 33 years old and he is from Minas Gerais. By note, the SSP (Ministry of Public Security) had previously reported that the Civil Police managed to contact the man who owns the vehicle, but said he had sold the car in 2017. According to the secretariat, the man promised to present to the police the document of transfer of ownership of the car.

But the suspicion of the civil police investigating the case is that he has a direct role in the death of the cyclist. One hypothesis is that it didn’t help because he was drunk. The report was unable to locate the suspect’s defense.

According to civil police from the 14th DP (Police District), in Pinheiros, the car was located last night near the apartment where the owner of the car lives, on Rua Cesário Mota Júnior, in Vila Buarque, in the Mackenzie University region, in the middle.

The report had access to the report of the police officers of Cerco (Specialized Center for the Repression of Crimes and Various Events), of the 3rd Sectional Police Station, who said that, during the investigation, they found a Hyundai Tucson, with the same characteristics as the one used in crime, arrested. in a parking lot and with the damaged front facing a wall, in an attempt to hide the broken parts.

Those responsible for the parking lot gave information about the owner of the car. From the data, they learned that the owner of the car lived next to the parking lot. The agents went to the scene, asked the building’s doorman to go to the apartment and reported that they were allowed to enter.

Upon arriving at the boy’s apartment, the front door was ajar and with apparent signs of theft, according to the report. Agents who entered the home reported that “the furniture and items were untidy and showed signs of sudden abandonment.” On the table in the living room was a plastic bag of marijuana, which was seized by the police and presented to the Police District.

The Civil Police analyze a series of security camera images obtained both in the area of ​​the accident, in Pinheiros, as well as in the parking lot and also in the building where the suspect lives.

An activist of the cycle for at least eight years, Marina was a social scientist at USP (University of São Paulo), a feminist activist and a researcher on urban mobility. In 2018, she completed a master’s degree from the FAU-USP (USP School of Architecture and Urbanism) with the thesis titled “The bicycle and women: active mobility, gender and socio-territorial inequalities in São Paulo”.

Marina was a collaborative researcher at LabCidade (Laboratories for Public Space and Right to the City), linked to FAU. She was doing doctoral research, also at FAU, in which she studied socio-territorial segregation based on gender, race and sexuality approaches.

The SSP stated this morning, by note, that the 14th DP agents “located the vehicle, which was investigated, and analyzed images from security cameras.” Also according to the file, “the hit man was identified and steps are being taken to locate him.”
