Surfer Who Was Involved In Car Accident With Death Laughed During Forensic Examination, Police Say | surf


The analysis report of the breathalyzer test performed on the big wave surfer Felipe Cesarano revealed that the athlete laughed and talked repeatedly and confusedly during the procedure.

The result of the test that shows the amount of alcohol in the blood had already indicated that Cesarano was drunk when he was involved in a traffic accident with death in Rio de Janeiro this Wednesday (16).

“The defendant says he was in a nightclub around 5 am and it would now be 7 pm and he is at IML [Instituto médico legal], but you don’t know why. Laughs during exam, talks repeatedly, confused, claims he would only have drunk beer. Cannot perform neurological examination maneuvers correctly (walk on tiptoe, do all fours, finger / nose) ”, says the report signed by the police.

Known as “Gordo”, the athlete was driving his car towards the South Zone of the Lagoa-Barra Highway when he caused the accident. According to witnesses, he lost control of the vehicle, crossed the central construction site, and struck a car head-on of a Navy sergeant who came from the opposite direction.

Arrested surfer who caused a car accident in São Conrado and killed a person

Arrested surfer who caused a car accident in São Conrado and killed a person

The victim, Diogo da Silva, 36, died instantly.

Cesarano suffered minor injuries and received assistance from the Fire Department while still on the track. He was arrested in flagrante delicto and will answer for traffic manslaughter.

Felipe Cesarano surfing – Photo: Playback / Instagram

After the accident, Felipe was transferred to police station number 12 of DP in Copacabana, where the case was registered, and from there he was transferred to the Bangu prison.

The investigation will be concluded by the delegate Daniel Rosa, of the 15 DP, responsible for the region (read the note released by the police at the end of the report).

Gordo catches a giant wave and competes for the “Wave of the Year” award in XXL – Photo: Bidu Correia

Felipe Cesarano, one of the greatest big wave specialists in Brazil, even used his own wave to take pictures for the movie “Jurassic World” in 2018.

Known in Nazaré (a city in Portugal famous for its giant waves), the Carioca usually surfs alongside sports stars, such as Pedro Scooby. Cesarano has already competed for the WSL Giant Wave Oscar.

After the arrest, Cesarano deleted his account on the social network Instagram.

Verify note sent by the Civil Police:

The case was registered in the 12 DP (Copacabana), which fined the surfer for the crime of homicide for drunk driving. The blood alcohol test came back positive for drunkenness. The body of the victim, a Navy soldier, was sent to the Centro Medico-Legal Institute (IML). Investigations will continue at the 15th DP (Gávea).
