STJD replaces fine with fine and William Pottker wins conditions to debut at Cruzeiro | cruise


Willian Pottker was tried this Thursday by the Plenary of the STJD for an attack at the wheel Edson, of Atlético-GO, in the round of 16 of the Brazil Cup, when he was still defending Internacional. His penalty increased from two to four games. This Friday, the president of the STJD converted the hook into a fine of R $ 15,000. See the decision:

By order of the Chief Auditor of the Superior Court of Sports Justice, Dr. Otávio Noronha, regarding the request for disciplinary conversion in file No. 215/2020 – STJD, I inform that the request of Cruzeiro EC was DEFERRED, with the conversion of the suspension of 02 (one) remaining matches of the 04 (four) applied to the athlete William de Oliveira Pottker for the donation of R $ 15,000.00 (fifteen thousand reais), to the entities below, within a period of 03 (three ) days, having to be tested in the archive Subsequently, the entity must justify, through vouchers, the use of the donated funds to remain with its active registration in the STJD.“.

Cruzeiro’s legal department obtained a favorable decision using two articles of the Brazilian Sports Justice Code, which speak of conversion of a penalty after the defendant served half of the suspension (Pottker served two of the four games), and also because the player has changed. club and also competition, leaving to play in Serie A for Inter to reinforce Cruzeiro in Serie B.
