STJ orders arrest of Bahia appellants in operation against sale of sentences | Brazil


Two judges of the Bahia Court of Justice (TJ-BA) are subject to temporary arrest warrants in an operation by the Federal Police on Monday morning (14) against a criminal scheme for the sale of judicial decisions.

The temporary detention orders were issued by the president of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), Minister Og Fernandes. The names of the judges were not revealed until the last update of this report.

There are also 36 search and seizure warrants in Salvador, in three other Bahian cities – Barreiras, Catu, Uibaí – and in Brasilia (DF). The investigation points to a scheme for the sale of judicial decisions by judges in Bahia, with the participation of members of other powers, who operated the institutional shield of fraud.

Possible crimes of active and passive corruption, money laundering, currency evasion, criminal organization and influence peddling are investigated.

In addition to the judges, the STJ also ordered the arrest of a judge’s operator, in addition to determining the removal from office and function of all public servants involved in phases 6 and 7 of Operation Occidental.

Before the operation of this second (14), on March 24, the fifth phase of Operation Occidental took place. On that occasion, the Federal Police executed 11 arrest warrants issued, three of them for temporary detention and eight for search and seizure.

The first phase of the operation took place on November 19, 2019, with the arrest of four lawyers, the execution of 40 search and seizure warrants and the removal of the six magistrates.

See more state news at G1 Bay.

See the videos of Jornal da Manhã
